Slapping logic

That's all there is to it.

Everyone- well most people- likes beautiful things, and so they want to protect them. In a way, that holds true for me as well.

If by my intervention I can shield them from a scar that normally would have changed their life so that they can stay as that beautiful, newly sprouted flower for even a second longer, then I will not hesitate to intervene.

Besides, the effort spent saving them will be truly insignificant compared to the beauty they'll preserve.

After all, I'm the First Being; I can save them with a snap of my finger.

"I really can't understand you…" Tristan shook his head.

"I would have been surprised if you did."

Because that would require him to either have perfect empathy or to be alive for as long as me, and I doubt he's capable of either.

It sure would be amusing if he was, though.

"You sure do talk big for a 12-year-old, though."