Second bite  

Stars spilled across the night sky like diamonds on a black carpet. Shining the brightest among them, the moon overlooked the world beneath it.

In the serene forest, the trees danced as gusts of winds blew by.

Besides one such tree, someone carelessly stepped on a twig lying on the ground.

However, nary a sound was made, so the men unflinchingly continued on their path.

As they got closer and closer, the temperature gradually dropped. They were confused about the reason behind it, but they were capable enough of deducing that magic was involved.

Soon enough, they came across the true cause behind the change in temperature.

"…" The man walking in front stared at the huge ice column impaling the ground.

The ice column was radiating such a strong cold aura that it was even affecting the surroundings, hence the chill around them.