The three orders

Stars once again spilled across the night sky like diamonds on a black carpet. Shining the brightest among them, the 327 moons overlooked the worlds beneath it.

In an isolated facility in one such world, two men were walking up a flight of stairs.

"Next up is the altar," the man walking in front said to the one following him.

"Wait, is it THAT altar?" The second man asked excitedly.

"Yes, it's THAT altar," the man in front smiled.

"B-but I thought low level employees weren't allowed there…"

"They aren't, but I think everyone should see it at least once. Just to give new recruits like you a tangible goal to work towards, you see."

"I see, Vice Altar Director," the new recruit nodded in understanding and admiration.

After a while, they reached the end of the stairs. In front of them was a set of huge double doors.

The Vice Director flashed an access card in front of the terminal.