Repeated end!

William pov contd..

How much time had passed when I finally came to my senses. I looked around and we were already there.

"We are here" I said , stopping Hundred, and jumped down with her in my arms.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, shocked i was able to jump over the horse with her in his arms.

I looked at her and smiled, "Wait, you'll see."

She still used her full force to not let me drag her anymore and I sighed, how stubborn she was! "You'll be safe with me, I promise." I said looking seriously at her eyes, for a minute I let my sultry man mask go and looked at her earnestly.

She nodded her head in agreeing to go where I wanted. With the moonlight as our guide, we walked under the night sky down a muddy pathway. It was like we were the only two in the entire world.

When we arrived at the place, it was an empty grassland with weeds reaching up to her knees.