Just a week

Abigail pov

My heart skipped a beat hearing these lines. I looked confused as if I had heard of them before, except I couldn't recall where either. It was a fuzzy memory for me when I tried to remember. Yet these words were like a warm blanket covering me with protection.

"Goodbye..." I whispered, looking down on the wet ground. For a split second in a small puddle near me, I thought I saw my child self. When I retook a look at my reflection, it was my current adult self.

"Abigail! What are you doing here?" Nickolas shouted, running out of breath looking towards me. There were beads of perspiration on his face, he must have been looking for me for a long time.

But my mind was still filled with William's words. When had i ever said that to him? Wasn't this my first time meeting him like that?