The one to be blamed

Abigail pov

Instead of walking to the door, I walked towards the window from where I could see everything. The messenger entered the room and bowed looking at my father. He passed a letter with the royal seal to my father. 

My father nodded and the man asked something but my father just shook his head and wrote something and passed it to the messenger who bowed his head and left.

My father opened the drawer where there were so many other letters too and kept it in her without even opening it.

I pursued my lips as I had a gist of what was in the letter. So he really was stopping me from joining the royal palace.

I slowly crawled back and jumped down from the wall when Noah reached there.

"I thought your ankle was sprained" he commented but I did not reply. He looked at me with confusion.

"What happened, why are you looking like someone had stolen your favourite candy?" he asked again and I tried to look at him.