The apologies

I woke up with a smile the next morning. It was a bright day just like my life. I would start anew. I stood up early and then got ready even before Beth could come and serve me.

She looked at me with surprised eyes but I did it have time for her. I ran to the ground full of anticipation. I only stopped when I reached the training area.

For a minute I had thought that Sir Seymour would not come as he was a busy man but when I saw him standing there before my arrival, I took a breath of relief.

Hearing footsteps, he turned back and smiled looking at me.

"You are ealy. Sir Abigail" i felt better when he still addressed me as knight not as the lady of the palace.

"So as you, sir Seymour. Shall we start?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You need to warm up, first. Go and run 10 laps and then we will start" he replied and i nodded.