the personal meet

It had been two days since I was serving Noah. In the early morning he call me to serve him. And i had to do that till late night. Today he asked me to wash his horses. 

Surprisingly even when he had such a small quarter, his horse collection was very expensive. It took me the whole day to wash them.

As much as I love horses and am always fascinated by them, I did not want to waste my day like that. I should have been at the field, practicing while all I was doing was!

'Darn' I cursed him again as I looked at the knights who were looking at me with pity.

Finally when I was done and thought that I would go and do something fruitful, Noah called me.

"Are you done with washing horses?" he asked and I nodded as his aide who had come to check on me.

"Good, now go with him and check all the weapons. I want a report on the number of weapons that had caught rust and needed to be changed." he ordered, making me furious.