Your first defeat.

No, I would not let history repeat itself! If they could not understand by themselves then I would make them understand.

"I want to accompany you too father, i didn't want to attend a social gathering when we are having a family outing, i am part of this family too"

"I am part of this family too." I said with a grave face and my father looked at me dumbfounded.

He blinked his eyes as if he was trying to make sure that I was really saying what he was hearing! What! What kind of reaction was that?!

"Abigail, I thought Sophie is your best friend and you would choose her above us.," he said, still in a doubtful voice.

I frowned as I looked at him, even in the past I liked her because she hated Isabella. And then we both were higher nobles, nothing more than that.

"What made you think that I would choose a girl over my father? You are my priority dad?" I asked back and he laughed.