Seem to be a different person

Abigail pov contd

I was surprised when he suddenly talked to me after avoiding me the whole afternoon, also in such a menacing tone.

"Your task, your highness?" I asked in a confused tone. Did he ask me to do anything or was it just an excuse to stop me from going with Gerard, but then why would he want to stop me!?

He looked at me as if I was a fool. The disdain in his eyes made me furious, he really had not given me any task. Did he? For a moment even I doubted myself when he did not stop looking at me.

"It's fine, lady Abigail. This is a party not the personal office of his highness. You are not bound to serve him here. Shall we go for our walk, my lady." said Gerard, patting my shoulder. Like a true gentleman he acted to be, supporting the rights of ladies and being the savior of damsels in distress. And then looking at William with ridicule, though everyone behaved nicely to him not many respected him