Fake designer

Abigail pov

That was one perfect start. I went to get the order for jewels but thanks to the concubines of his highness, I got the contract for clothes too. Now all I need is two identities.

I walked out after bidding pleasantries in a happy mood when I saw Sophie standing there with a dreamy look. Since she was lost then I should just let her stay lost. With that thought I avoided her standing there and moved towards my carriage. But she stopped me.

"Abigail, i need your help" her words were not at all soft or pleading like she really was asking for help. Yet it made me curious so I nodded and encouraged her to tell me.

"His highness has invited me to the theatre. But you know that my brother would not let me go. So, I will tell everyone that I am coming to your palace. If anyone asks you, tell them that I was with you.`` I nodded my head, third. I got third aim for today, luckily two were because of William.

"Of course, you have my word for it"