Better daughter

Abigail pov contd.

"I did not want a heavy dress to get attention. I want that simple blue dress." I instructed looking at all the four dresses on the mannequins.

After getting dressed up, I walked towards the garden with a big smile on my lips. Now I have to wait till lunch break and as promised Nickolas would take me to the tea house. I have to check it and so does the jewelry store nearby and raw materials for making a good dress too. Once again it was a long list to do. But soon I would have staff and allies to support me.

With that thought I smiled, soon I would have a big army to support. I sat under the gazebo as I looked around. It was the most peaceful place of the palace. It is used to organise big parties and feast but rest of the time no one comes here since we all have our personal garden attached to our chambers.