Meeting allies

Abigail pov

I sighed as I looked in the direction where my father disappeared. I still did not know why he was so against my being a knight when he had accepted it easily in the starting.

"Abigail, i am ready" came the voice of Isabella and soon i heard Nickolas footsteps too.

"Oh.. Isabella! I apologise but me and Abigail were going out from some personal work. I will take you next time." he replied apologetically to Isabella who felt embarrassed.

"Aah, I understand brother…"

"Oh, Nick, I have invited Isabella too." I cut Isabella as I looked at Nickolas.

"You did? I mean.. You invited Isabella to come with us?" He was looking visibly surprised when I told that I even felt awkward for a minute.

"Then.. shall we go?" I asked and they both nodded.

After sitting in the carriage I took a breath of relief. The journey to town was beautiful. We passed through meadows, small houses and a lot of kids were playing there.