Bringing him home.

Abigail pov contd..

"But I do not have any idea about jewel making. Should I not take some time and study it before claiming that I was the one who made it?" asked Oliver looking at me confused.

"You need to learn it eventually. But i do not have so much time for now. So, I will tell you the details. And all you have to do is act. And then learn slowly, as you get time. So, is there anything else?" They all looked at each other and then shook their heads.

"Then I hope you have a good day." Then I took the bell from the table and rang it. The girl who had served the meals before came back, "I want you to pack  a box of all the snacks on the table for the guests." she nodded her head and left.

"My lady, how can we take this.."

"With your hands.. Now my family is about to come back, so you better leave. And remember never tell anyone that you work for me." they all nodded and left except Oliver who was looking at me with calculating eyes.