The Deal -2

Abigail pov contd.

The whole group looked at me as if I had suddenly grown another head. It took them a few minutes to come out of their initial shock.

When Amayra was the first one to speak, "why would we do that? Since it is our store, we would only advertise ourselves. I think there is nothing much left to discuss now. It is either you are selling the design or you are not." she asked with a tone that was telling there was no place for further discussion.

"Well, it is still in your benefit. You will have exclusive partners to sell all the designs. So, the customer would only come to your store. It is just that I want the whole empire to know that Isabella and Oliver are behind the designs. And i want 70% of the profit since we are the one who was doing all the efforts.'' I replied with confidence and they both looked at each other in confusion.