Backup plan!

Abigail pov ltd.

I woke up with the birth of the sun in the sky. The sky was still red and beautiful. But soon it would be filled with the brightness of the sky, just like my life.

Today was the day when I would officially be announced as a knight. A big smile formed on my lips. As i realised i would be very close to my goal then. I looked at the bright and shining uniform on the closet that I would wear from now on. It has a sign of a roaring dragon on it. A sign of the royal palace.

Soon, I will be a part of it too. And after the entrance exam tomorrow, I will be taken as a knight in the academy too.

I dressed up without waiting for Beth to come and help me. And when I was ready, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was looking perfect, and I felt proud of myself.

"Someone is too happy today" I heard Nick talking behind me and I smiled.