Being delusional!

Josephine pov.

I took long deep breaths once Will left. It was so exhausting to act so strongly in front of him when all I wanted was to hug him and then beat him for abandoning me. Did he not remember, he had promised to be with me and protect me forever.

Suddenly my knees felt weak and I leaned on the stall of the stable and closed my eyes. My breathing was still rugged as if I had stayed underwater for a long time.

"Your highness, I think you need rest." said Leo but I did not reply or open my eyes again.

"I did not understand why you keep hurting yourself, Jose '' I heard a whisper and my eyes snapped open. Did Leo just call me Jose!

But when I looked at him, he was standing silently in a corner. His face was blank like always and his eyes were looking at the distance. It did not feel like he was feeling anything but the voice I heard just a while ago was filled with tenderness and concern.