The hunting-3

The other knights were busy talking and sharing their last experience of the hunt. I listened quietly as they counted who had killed which animal. But surprisingly not even once did they talk about the animals the crown prince had killed.

I felt William's eyes on me and I tried my face down. I  watched the movement of grass bugs, a strong wind began to blow. A grass bug suddenly flew into the strong wind. I could feel the storm was about to form. The branches were swaying too fast with the strong winds. I looked up at the sky and there are black clouds had formed.

"I think it's going to rain. We need to find a place to avoid the rain for a while. " said William, noticing the same changes in the surroundings.

We hurriedly packed up everything and got on our horses. But before we could go a few steps away, it already started raining. In no time we were drenched like stray kittens in the rain.