Beg for his death!

Abigail pov contd.

I was expecting him to go crazy with excitement or to not believe me and haul profanities. But I did not expect him to laugh and brush it off and start making notes in the competition again as if I was not even standing there.

"So, is it a yes or a no?" I asked, as he did not reply to me at all!

"I do not talk to crazies, I have an allergy to them." he replied to me, making me frown.

"What do you mean?" I asked him with a slight anger. He was taking me too lightly.

"Are you afraid that he will oppress you again or have you lost the courage to stand against him in the passing years?" i challenged him, i wanted to flare him a bit and hear the truth. Bjut he was still calm, no matter what I said!

"Fine! If you are not interested then I would find someone else. Hope you will not regret by then, when someone else will get the popularity you could have achieved.`` I added as I turned to leave when the man finally snorted.