Greedy son!

William pov contd.

"Why do I not know that I was killing more than a dozen people daily?" I asked myself in amusement as I saw her talking about me as if she knew me for years.

Eastern duke was nothing but my facade that I have used to send representatives to other people and then establish a pact with them. My powers have increased enough to compete with Gerard, but he still has his father and the empress with him. 

In a year or two I will be strong enough to stand against the emperor, till then I have to lay low. But it did not mean that others could use my name freely. I was surprised at how Abi encouraged me to use my name for whatever trap they were laying.

  "Who is there?" I did not notice there was a dry stick under my feet which broke with the sound of a snap under my pressure.

"The owner of this place. What are you doing here, little bird? I thought you had some urgent work, ``I asked as I moved towards him.