Kill you from my own hands!

Leo pov.

"Leo, I want you to find out who sent the secret note to Lady Abigail." I looked at her with sheer anger. Could she not see that Abigail did not treat her as a friend!

"Your highness, you should not meddle in her life this much. She did not see you the way you see her." I replied honestly to show her some mirror but all she did was chuckle as if I had cracked a joke!.

"She is a naive girl who is good at planning big things, but she forgot to protect herself in the process!" she replied as we walked towards the class. Was she serious!? Abigail was like a hawk, keeping an eye on everything around her as if she was trying to find faults. And once she found out, she would devour you right there and then.

I had seen her suspicious eyes on me when even the emperor did not find any flaw in me till now.