For my whole life!

Noah pov

I looked at the girl in utter annoyance as she passed me that bright smile.

"Let me escort you to your room, my lady." I bowed my head in front of her and she passed me a smile.

"What is the hurry. I did not have my meal yet! And I'm sure that you have not eaten yet. Why don't you sit so that we can have our meal together." she fluttered her golden eyes, trying her best to convince me.

"I do not think it will be a good idea, my lady. Why don't you have your meal in your room." i replied back, but before she could say anything her stomach grumbled and her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

"But I have refused to make my meal and if I go and ask for it, they would take ages to cook it. And all this food will go to waste!" she replied, puffing her cheeks as she looked at the food on the table, salivating.

I took a deep sigh as I knew that she had won. I did not have the heart to force her to go to her room when she was this hungry!