Something in exchange!

Abigail pov contd

"Are you not going to attend the class today too? If you were not going to attend any class then why did I even follow you?`` I frowned hearing her words.

"Did you follow me to the academy, your highness? I thought you came here as you received the title of a knight.`` I asked Joseph, who was frowning, looking at me.

"Did it mean you are not going to attend any class?" completely avoiding the latter topic, she asked again and I shook my head.

"I was going in only, I just stood to hear the new gossip." she shook her head again. 

"I can see that you are more interested in gossip than studying. I wonder how do you even become strong to be a knight with all those things in your mind.'' I just smiled at her sarcastic words. To be honest I missed Josephine. The one who is always cold and sarcastic, the new sweet and caring one was hard to handle.