Last year of war

William pov contd

"Your highness. This is the baby of the man who wants to kill you." She elaborated as if I did not understand when she told me that it was the baby of the enemy.

"This is your child Anna. since you will give birth. The child will only be yours. And I would take all of his responsibility. All you have to do is to tell me. If you want to have the baby or if he will remind you that you were forced. Your whole life is in front of you.`` I added as she was very young.

"I..i" she was looking lost. I knew she was in a dilemma and I sighed.

"Take her in and let her rest. No one will force her to take any decision. But when she decides, inform me immediately. They all nodded and two girls came forward and helped her into a room.

"Why were you so thrilled to bring me here?" I used to be annoyed as I looked at the confused face of Lucas.