poison and sword

"Oh please, if i would not have taken the ring, then mother would not have been here in the morning. So, you should thank me for the love and care she showered on you." she replied with a frown as she held my hands and inserted the ring in my finger.

"Would another auction and a new store be enough?" I asked back and her eyes glittered like stars.

"Did Oliver give you another collection of designs?" she asked with so much affection that i felt bad to lie to her.

"No, but I have a plan, but it will only happen when you make your mother proud by your performance in the academy."

"So, you're finally here. Why do i feel that you do everything except serving me as my knight?" came the sarcastic voice of the prince who already had four men by his side.

I was not here to serve him but to protect him from the attacks I knew he was going to face. But I could not say that since I was still his knight.