The lost memory

Abigail pov contd.

This was the toughest battle I ever had. As we always fight, our main goal was to injure the opponent more so that he could injure you. But in this case, I could not afford even a minor scratch from the opponent as it would cost me my life.

But before I could fight further, I saw her hands being cut and feeling on the ground with the sword. My eyes widened as the blood gushed out from her body. The sound of the sword falling on the ground broke my reverie.

I stood there frozen, when he continued to stab her on the stomach. He was looking like a devil with that messy hair and bloodshot eyes, and if that was not enough, then the blood sprayed on his face as he cut her other hands.

I could hear the screams and gasps but my eyes could not move away from his face. There was so much anger, so much hatred that my legs felt frozen and bound, I could not move an inch.