A naive kid

"William pov

When she left me this time, it felt like all I had done was in vain. The reality would stay the same no matter what I did. In the past, there was still a chance, when we used to play together. She always acted as my wife and did not let me talk to the other girls, threatening me that if I looked at others, she would leave me forever.

And now that I have turned into a womanizer, she left. She left me forever. Often I thought it would be different if she knew the truth. Nonetheless I was always contended as she was living a good life, she had friends whom she could rely on, she had family who loved her unconditionally and she had a lot of motives. She was aspiring for the sky, and I would be the latter she would climb on. Only this thought was enough to satisfy me, so I never tried to wish for more.