I Have Finally Given Up

Abigail pov 

I thought that the lady would say a thing or two but she just left. Now I wonder if I was too direct? In her eyes, I was just a kid. She did not know that I had crossed that time period a long time ago. I sighed as I shifted on my bed once again. 

I did not know when my father would be back! Even if he would, how would I ask him about this?

I think me and Isabella should make a plan about it. I felt satisfied after that thought. I closed my eyes trying to sleep again. But anxiety still did not leave me. Why? I can not point out what was bugging me but there was something that was making me uneasy.

Even Beth left, now I could not even order her to bring a calming tea for me.

I sighed as I stood up and walked down. The maid on duty to sleep in the kitchen looked surprised when she saw me there.

"My lady, do you need anything?" she bowed and asked me when I nodded.