we are friends

I had expected both of them to react, but they continued to look at me even in their fit of coughing as if I was a ghost! Which I certainly was not!

"What is it? Do you want to die just by looking at me?" I scolded both of them as I walked to the closet and threw all the bedsheets out.

"What are you waiting for? Come and help me!" I shouted again when they finally came to their senses and walked towards me. 

"I want you to add all the strong clothes. Curtains, bedsheet, towels, anything that could hold our weight for a while i want three ropes so that we could add them to balcony and climb down.'' I started with blankets and started knotting their points with the knot we were taught at the time of training.

"Look carefully, you have to knot it this way." I showed them two to three time only for them to nod.

"Now fast, we do not have much time." They both started taking bedsheets and towels to make another rope while I worked on the first one.