I know what you did

Gerard pov

"How could they all be saved so easily until they already knew about the attack?" I asked as I looked at the only spy who came alive from the accident scene.

"I do not know my lord. But they were not prepared. The lady showed wisdom by making rope out of the clothes and then descending through it. She is a strong woman to not be afraid even in that condition." ha! I slapped the man hard to put some sense into his mind. How dare he!

He stumbled from his place and blood filled his mouth turning his lips and chin red.

"How dare you to praise that dumb girl in front of me. She is not wise, you are a fool. When you saw that she was using the clothes as ropes then you should have killed them with your sword. And then threw them in the fire again to make it look like an accident.'' I snarled and the man shivered.

"She is strong, my lord. Even you were defeated by her. Then how could we be able to kill her?" that damn man.