Then and there

Abigail pov contd.

I blinked at his sudden outburst. I could not blame him if his thoughts wandered in that direction. I was behaving strangely since he proposed to me and even after asking many times. I did not tell him the reason. Yet the way he told me that he could live without me, even when it hurt him so much, broke my heart.

"William." This is the second time I have called him by his name and this time it was full of tears.

He continued to look at me with that concern. Did he not feel hurt? Why was he still caring about me when I was hurting him so much? His selfless and unconditional love was hurting me so much. It was piercing my heart with sharp daggers.

"Sshhh, I will handle everything. You do not need to worry. Take rest ok? I will not disturb you for the time being." i blinked again at his reply. When did i say yes? How did he came to the conclusion that his last statement was right?