Chapter 46 - Acting Cute

Qu Wren submerged fully in the small lake..... Underwater he swiftly washed his hair. The black sooth like substance seeped out, dying the water slightly black.

He surfaced once again, taking a deep breath. As a matter of fact, he can't survive in fresh water but as a cultivator he learned to hold his breath for a prolonged period of time.

"Hey kid..." he glanced at the shore to see it empty. "Kid?"

He swiftly swam towards it. Just a step away in the shallow end, he saw only a butt poking out. "Shit!" he swiftly pulled him up by his pants and threw him onto the shore.

The kid took a deep breath whist panting. "Mister... I am okay.."

"I thought you were drowning...." Wren pushed away the long strands of hair that was falling all over his face. "Where is the bird?"

He glanced around, yet he could not see the little birdie at all. "Where did he go?"

"There..." the kid pointed at the lake.

"What!!!" Wren hurriedly entered the water and proceeded to search for the little baby bird. Much to his surprise, the baby bird was holding its breath and floating right on top of water. Like a small duck, it used its featherless wings to row itself.

"Wow, you are doing so great." Qu Wren cheerfully whispered.

Feng Mian for a second lost his breath. 'T—too close.... too close....' he rowed away, but Wren followed behind him. From his angle, all he could see was those chiselled abs. 'fuck get them away from me!!'

"Baby birdie~ are you really a hawk or a duck? Look at how well you swim.." he praised him whist clapping his hands.

Feng Mian squawked softly. 'This idiot, he does not even realise that the phoenix he adores is right in front of him... well, I will just grace him with my presence for a while.'

The little phoenix happily floated around whist Qu Wren swam freely inside.

After an hour or so, all three of them exited the lake. Qu Wren only covered his waist with a towel and happily walked towards the fisherman's hut.

"Mister Wait." the kid held his hand. "You have to... wear clothes..." he blushed softly.

"Oh how could I forget.." Wren gently tussled his hair and went back to the shore. He swiftly wore his clothes and tied his wet hair in a ponytail behind him.

All thee returned to the small hut happily. The fisherman who was helping his wife with something glanced at him in surprise.

"Sir, how did your hair become black...."

"That herb I used, dyed my hair." Wren glanced at his now dark hair. It was black as the deep sea, with a slight shimmer to it. "Do I look more human now?"

The fisherman awkwardly smiled. Even though this guy dyed his hair, it was still eminent that he was not part of the human race. His beauty was too overpowering. "Wife, can you spare some of your veiled hats to him..."

His wife Martha nodded and went to search for it.

"Why do I need a veil hat?" Wren sat down comfortably on the ground and played around with the single feather on Feng's head. "Is it really a necessity?"

"No, but sir.... you would attract to my bugs and flies if you go out there looking like that?" he said handing him a round hat with a white muslin cover.

Qu Wren curiously wore it on top of his head. The hat fitted him perfectly. He tossed the muslin around until it covered the front and back of his head. The cloth was thin and slightly translucent, so he was still able to see through it. "Fascinating..."

"I am happy you like it, sir." The fisherman happily went back to chopping vegetables. "Sir, when I'm finished with these I'll take you to the authorities, you can ask them for help..."

"Okay~" Wren played with small wooden puzzle box the kid had for a while until his father was ready to take him out.

After ten minutes or so, the fisherman got dressed and both of them left the hut.

"Squeak!!!!" Feng Mian ran after him, hurriedly biting the bottom of his pants. 'Don't you dare leave me here!!!'

Wren just picked him up and placed him back in his nest. "Stay here for a while I'll be back, okay..."

"Squeak!!!" Feng Mian bit his sleeves this time, hanging on like a leech. 'No!! What if that guy is planning to trap you!! I won't allow this at all!!! Take me with you!!!'

He swung around, groaning and squawking.

"You can take that baby beast with you, sir," the fisherman whispered.

Qu Wren smiled softly. "Fine. You win little one," he took the whole moss bed and placed it inside of his shirt as usual.

Feng Mian happily hopped in his shirt. His tiny feet stomped on the moss bed to even it out. 'Yeah, that's how you do it! Acting cute part one complete!!!'

'Now all I have to do is win him over!!'
