Chapter 47 - Failed trip to the inner town

Qu wren curiously glanced at the surroundings. The outskirts always had a gloomy atmosphere that refused to dissipate. Everyone here looked dispirited and malnourished. "Do humans starve to death?" he whispered softy.

"Y—yes we do..... Starving to death is a common thing here." He said with a sad sigh. "but don't worry, sir, everyone here live a respectful life. They don't resort to thieving and killing. If they die they just leave peacefully,"

"That sounds even worse," wren mumbled to himself. His anxious hands gently fondled the birdie in his shirt.

Feng mian also nuzzled against him whist thinking of how to solve this poverty problem. If his trusted friend Mu Zheng was present he would have given him a solution but.....

'aish... he will find a solution to this problem, regardless. Why do I worry so much?'

After entering the interior part of the town, the entire atmosphere changed. Every one here wore luxurious clothes, they all happily roamed around with no care in the world.

"Why is there such a disparity?"

Everywhere they went, there was a huge crowd standing around. On small stands and tables, the humans were selling miscellaneous things.

He moved closer to the fisherman. "Do humans like 'things' in general..."

"What do you mean, sir?" he then got the general idea of what wren was asking. "Oh you mean materialistic? Yes, we humans tend to be so."

The fisherman subtly pointed at a fat man who was covered in gems and pearls. "Some of us tend to get content and happy with just a few things whist others, like him, always desire for more materialistic things to satisfy the emptiness in their life."

"Really..." wren glanced his way with a keen stare.

The fat man also glanced at him. He smirked dubiously. "Hey beauty, are you new in town? Daddy here has a lot to give," he goaded him on.

Wren blinked at this. 'Does he mean his wealth? I don't need that, though. All of which he wears, I have seen tons of it littering the ocean floor. Why do I need junk?' he just turned his head and continued on his way.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," the man shouted behind him but wren simply ignored him.

The fisherman started to tremble in fear. "Sir.. let's go back home for today...."

"Why? I wish to find my friend soon."

"N--no sir lets go... please... I'll help you tomorrow. not today. if he sees you he...." the fisher man stammered and dragged him away. 

Wren returned to the small hut in disappointment. He knew that finding Hachin would take some time, but he did not expect that he would run into so many troubles.

Sighing, he removed the veiled hat and placed it on the small table. He then pulled out the moss nest and placed it there, as well. "Baby bird....." fat tears rolled down his cheeks. He just hugged his knees tightly. "Do you think Hachin might be in risk because of me?"

Feng Mian just silently watched as this grown ass man tear up. 'Stop crying. What's the use wasting your will find him soon.' he gently pecked his hands.

Wren glanced up, wiping his wet cheeks. "I'm a bad person...."

Feng Mian just hopped closer and nuzzled against his open palm. Feeling the warmth of his fingers, he closed his eyes. 'Do you really like that person that much..... do you love him enough to sob like this?'

His red eyed peered at him intently. He watched as a stray drop of tear roll down his cheeks. He very much wanted to wipe it and comfort him. But.....

He glanced at his featherless wings. 'I feel so useless.....'

Qu wren silently cried whist the humans watched him awkwardly. The fisherman tried to comfort him many times, but the little oyster continued crying even more pitifully.

Moroko sat next to him, silently waiting for him to calm down. "Sir, here." he gently wiped his cheeks with his sleeve. "Don't worry, I'll help you find your friend."

Feng Mian watched helplessly as they both snuggle together. He plopped back, landing on the soft, plush moss bed. 'Fuck, why am I being so preoccupied. I just need my sprit essence. After that I will just leave...'

He glanced down at wren once more before he nuzzled against the moss bed.

Wren's tear-filled eyes peered at the little bird. He reached his hands out, but his fingers hesitated before he touched. 'Baby is sleeping....'

After whish pulled the nest closer to him and laid on the floor, the human child wanted to join him but wren did not allow it. Both the children laid on the bed, the fisherman and his wife slept out whist he slept on the floor.

His tired eyes remained open for a long time, suddenly he felt the nest moving. He swiftly closed his eyes and freighted sleep.

Feng Mian woke up right then, scratching at his skin. He glanced up at wren's closed eyes. 'Good, I can proceed with my plan.'

He sat down in a meditative pose and started to cultivate. The spiritual energy revolved all-around his meridians, heating them up. Slowly his body started to shift visibly.

His boned cracked loudly. He gritted his teeth, waiting for his body to completely change.

Feng Mian sat up and stretched his muscles. "wah, I hate being in that body." he mumbled softly.

The stupid oyster move around in his sleep.

His fingers gently glided over his plump cheeks "you are the source of my troubles. Why won't you just obediently give it back to me,"

He leaned down and bit his lips hard. Warm blood suddenly filled his mouth. He continued kissing him roughly until suddenly he felt a warm hand on his head.

Startled, he opened his eyes mid-kiss to meet his sparkling pupils.

'Fuck, when did he wake up!!! Mission Abort!! Abort!!'

He tried to move away, but the grip on the back of his head tightened.

Wren pulled him down onto his body and continued kissing him passionately.

'This is... bad'

He was losing his senses to pleasure. His whole body felt like it was aflame.

"ummmm" he moaned softly. The grip in his hair tightened even further.

Their lips parted.

Feng panted softly, glancing down at him. "What the...." before he could even finish, a pair of dominating lips claimed his own, once again in an unending battle.