Chapter 49 - Silver sheen

The next morning, Qu wren woke up early. He simply sat down in a dazed state, touching his lips.

"Sir? Don't be so upset. Bet today we can reach the authorities' office without getting noticed by anyone," the fisherman sat opposite him.

"But why should we." He mumbled, glancing straight at him. "Is not like I have done anything bad to him,"

"No, no, but sir..... That guy Ping yu is said to be the worst. He had kidnapped many girls and ruined their life. I—I don't want you to be his next target,"

Wren stood up, adjusting his shirt and pants. "Well, he already noticed me. I guess we have no way but to face it,

"Sir! He is a very powerful man. You don't know what he will do," the man held his arms suddenly he felt a sharp nip on his arms.

Glancing down, he saw a little featherless bird hanging, biting into his skin.

"umm.. sir, I think you bird beast is hungry,"

Wen glanced at him with a small smile. "Yeah, he tends to get hungry a lot," he gently picked him off and brought him close to his face.

The bird stumbled back and turned away from him.

"Are you shy little birdie?"

The single feather on top of its head twitched.

"look like you are....." wren chuckled softly and placed him back in his nest. He then glanced at the human.... only then did he realise that he did not even know his name. "Human, what is your name?"

The human smirked widely "my name is Han Su sir, I would like the honour to get to know your name as well..." he awkwardly glanced at the ground.

"Its wren, Qu wren." He wore the veil hat and over his head.

"Wren, just like the little bird wren?"

"Yeah, my father had a weird sense of humour. He wanted to be as free as the bird gliding through the wind. It sounds childish, but that how I want to be... free...."

Wren gently caressed the little bird, who looked up at him in concern.

"Were you having a hard time where you lived?" Han Su hesitantly whispered.

"No, in fact, I had a wonderful life. I have two wonderful brothers who take care of all my needs, a mother who babies me a lot, but my father....."

Wren sighed loudly. His eyes involuntarily went over to his old bag. Inside, the small dairy peaked out. 'Let's not think about distracting things,'

He shook his head. "I'll get going then," he picked up his stuff.

"Wait sir, let me wear my shoes.." Han Su hurriedly wore his shoes.

"Today I will go on my own,"

"Huh but sir,."

"No don't refuse. I have caught the attention of a dangerous man. I can anger him, hit him or even hurt him all I want. One day I will leave this place, but this is your home. I don't want to include you in my crimes." He said pulling the nest into his shirt.

The bird jumped in on its own.

Wren arranged the moss nest inside for the little birdie.

Han Su watched him leave the house with a long sigh. "We are forever indebted to him but I am so sad that we have no way to pay him back.." he glanced at his wife who was looking at door in a weird way.

"What is it?"

"Is it just me or.... does mister wren look like a girl from this angle,"

"Huh, what do you mean?" he glanced at her questionably.

His wife glanced at him, gesturing to her boobs. "It looks like sir has boobs,"


"I am serious. That moss nest.... it creates the illusion that he has boobs," she mumbled with a curious look. "To be honest, of mister was a woman he would have been most sought after,"

His child scoffed loudly. "I hate it,"

"What do you hate?" his mum gently touched his head that was visible.

Moroko pushed her hands away.

"Moroko, don't be rude to your saviour," Han Su gently patted his head.

The kid bit his lips. "He has a beautiful guy pursuing him.... dad... why didn't you make me pretty too..." he mumbled softly.

Both the fisherman and the wide sat next to him, consoling the sobbing kid.

"Baby exterior is good to look at, but what's inside is all that matters," she gently patted his chest.

"Lies, I want to be pretty to pursue wren, brother!!" he rolled himself in the sheets and wailed even louder.

Both the wife and husband had no way of consoling him.

Hearing his cries, the baby who was always obedient started to wail.

"Honey, do something...." she nudged him...

Han Su sighed loudly. "Kid, wanna come with me to fish?"

"Will you let me swim?" the kid peaked out.

"Yeah for an hour,"

"Okay.." Moroko happily got up and ran out the house.

Han Su guided him to the shores where his small boat was docked. They both pushed it into the ocean, letting the waves pull the boat in.

He lifted his child and got in afterwards. They rowed slowly towards the area he was familiar with.

"Dad, is that the Mer island?" Moroko excitedly glanced around.

"Yes, but it is deserted now.." Han Su mumbled, tossing the net into the water. His plan was to set up nets in two places, His usual spot near the island and a little further away, towards the place mister wren mentioned.


"Wait a minute, I am setting it up." he tied the net together at the top and secured it to a small bag filled with coconuts. The bag floated on top, making it easy for him to identify the spot.

"Dad!!!" the kid shouted in loudly.

"What?" he ran to him hurriedly. "What is it?"

Moroko simply pointed to something. On top of the green stone island, a small sliver of sheen was seen. "What is that?"

"Don't know... you stay here, man the boat," he jumped in and swam swiftly toward the island. The rough edges made it easy for m him to climb up. At the top, there was a small cave... inside he heard a small whimper.


The sound stopped, accompanied by some weird dragging sound.

"Is anyone here? Are you hurt..." he hesitantly walked into the cave.... it was dark inside so wasn't able to see much. "Do you need help?"

The dragging sound stopped.

"C—can you help me...." a soft voice whispered.

"Yes, but where are you?" he glanced around. In the corner, a small form huddled together. "I'm coming close, so don't panic. I will help you out..."

He was able to see her clearly. A white-haired young woman glanced at him with her wide eyes tearing up.

"Did you get stranded here?" suddenly he saw something else... that girl's lower regains.... instead of a pair of legs there was a single silver tail.