Chapter 50 - Punishment

"A... a Mer..." Han Su got closer and knelt down next to her. "Is your tail hurt?"

"Y—yes...." she glanced at him hesitantly. "Can you get this off," she glanced at the pointy thing on her tail. It looked like a rock in the dark.

Han Su unreservedly went to help, but as soon as he touched the rock, he stumbled back in shock. His hands started to freeze. He already lost feeling in his pink finger. "Is that ice?.."

The girl nodded. "Sorry, are you hurt?.."

"No, I will be fine. Just wait a bit okay," he ran out and swiftly placed his hands in water. The warm sun had already heated up the top inch, so the icy bits melted away.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Moroko shouted from afar.

Han Su jumped in and swam towards the net he just cast in the sea. He pulled the bag that was floating and removed a single coconut.

"Dad, what's going on?"

"There is a wounded person in need of help.." he jumped on and started to row towards the island. "Moroko, I want you to stay here and guard our boat, okay. I will be back in a minute.."

He jumped onto the rocky stone and climbed up into the cave. "It will be okay. Just wait a bit, yeah?"

The girl nodded, shivering weakly. Her curious eyes followed after his every action.

Han Su ran around until he found a sharp, protruding rock. He hit the coconut on it and started to peal the thick husky layers. With a piece of cloth he tied it up over his palm to protect him from the ice shard.

"Can you move your tail?"

The Mer shuffled around a bit and flipped her tail at him. He swiftly grabbed the ice shard and pulled. Even with the coconut husk glove, he could feel the coldness seeping in. Gritting his teeth, he gave a last pull.

He yanked it out and tossed it away into the distance. "Can you stand?" he ran to her.

The Mer nodded. She tried to move around, but her wounded tail was not having that much motion.

"Don't mind me. I won't hurt you. Just.... don't kill me," he lifted her up and ran out the cave.

The girl gasped, but remained still in his arms. He swiftly ran out of the cave into the open.


"yes.." his son had already rowed it close and was waiting for him.

He simply jumped in with her in hand. "Quick, bring out the medicine,"

His child ran to the small safety cabinet and took out a small blue coloured herb.... "Dad, we only have one.."

"It's okay. If Mister Wren had thought like that you won't be alive." His father gently caressed his head.

Han Su squeezed the herb in his hand and rubbed it until it became a rough paste. He applied it liberally to her wound.

The skin healed a bit, but the long gash left behind by the ice shard has still scarred into her tail.

"Whoa..." Moroko gently touched her flippers.

The Mer flipped his hands away with a glare. "Thank you.....human," she blushingly whispered.

"No, thank you. I remember you... you were the one who saved me." he awkwardly explained how he drowned when he was fishing this area. A Mer had saved him and it had the most sparkling white tail. He was not sure if it was her, but he was really thankful to their whole kind.

The white-haired Mer scoffed. She flipped her waist length hair to her back. "I hate humans. Why would I even save you?"

she sat up ready to jump off but he stopped her.

"What?" she glanced at him vigilantly.

"You are still wounded and weak. Your blood will attract other beasts."

"So?" she raised a brow at him.

"so... I suggest you stay a few days on your island before returning to the sea. Yes?"

The Mer glanced at him peculiarly. "You humans are weird."

"Ha-ha, is that so.."

"C—can you drop me off there?.." she mumbled, pointing at a distant island.

  "That is the roc island right? Why do you want to go there?" he questionably glanced at her. It was a widely known fact that Mers and roc were cross with each other. The recent attack by the mighty bird toppled down the entire Mer population and they all disappeared in a day's time..

"It's too risky for you, Miss." he warned her. "Especially in your state....."

Her eyes glared at that island intently. "I have to save my mate...."

"Mate? What is that?" Moroko mumbled, glancing up at her curiously.

The Mer scoffed. "You humans don't have it, but we beasts mate for life. My mate is currently being held captive there.."

"Why would the roc do that? Wouldn't it be easy to kill off your enemies," the kid mumbled innocently.

"That beast is giving us a warning.... us Mers have hurt him once, and this is his punishment..."