Chapter 51 - Heartless

Hachin gently touched the surface of the shimmering water. A little fin glided across his fingers, playfully slashing water over his face.

"Woo, that's not fair.. I want to swim and splash water too..." he mumbled gently caressed the water surface, creating small ripples. The small Koi like fished playfully hit his hands and then moved to a corner.

"You like our home decoration?" Hua Ro sat down next to him.

Hachin instantly moved back, putting at least an arm's distance between them. "They say you are a beast, not a human."

He hesitantly glanced up at him. Hua Ro's expression did not look good. He peered into the waters at the colourful Koi that were swimming around.

"No need to glare at them. I would have had to find out eventually," Hachin casually whispered, leaning his head against the huge vat.

"A—are you okay with it?" Hua Ro peered into his innocent ruby eyes.

"Donno about you but I am totally not okay about me being held hostage here," Hachin turned over glancing at the ground.

"It's for your own safety," a warm hand gently caressed his head.

Hachin pushed his hand away. "I can protect myself very well..."'

"no... It's not that. I have too many enemies." Hua Ro gently cupped his face and pulled him closer. "I don't want anything to happen to you,"

Hachin coolly looked at him. "I understand why you have so many enemies. Given that you have trapped innocent Mer's in your humble home,"

The beast's eyes went sharp for a second.

"What? did I hit a nerve?" Hachin smirked widely. "You are not stone faced after all."

Hua Ro nodded. "How did you know?"

"They told me." he pushed him away and sat back down next to the huge vat. He gently touched the black Koi fish with his fingers. "These poor Mers have been tortured by you for so long. Is that your plan with me? You plan to entrap me in the guise of protecting me?"

"I will never hold you here against your will,"

Hachin snickered. "Hypocrite, you are just contradicting your previous statement,"

"No, I mean it. After seven months, if you want to leave me... you can.. I will not stop you nor I will entrap you." he said with the most devastated expression.

Hachin frowned. 'What is this bastard getting at, huh? Why is he acting like I'm really his mate?' he placed his head on the vat's edge and closed his eyes.

'Seven months... why does he need seven months for? Is he planning to do something to me? Or is it the time frame he set to make me fall for him?,'

None of these questions left his mind. He silently hummed a soothing song and played with the Mers.

Hua Ro watched him with an unknown look in his eyes.

A part of him demanded him to pull his mate close and hug him, but another part of him just wanted to let him go. Let him freely swim with the fishes happily cruise the waves....

But his selfish heart wanted him close. He wanted a family so desperately that he went to the length of hurting the one important to him.

He sat down, glancing at the rock bed.

It was never Hachin's choice to have his child.

It was an accident; A selfish one.

When that phoenix tore at his heart, he became desperate. If he died, there will be no one to carry his lineage . In his search, he saw the innocent little oyster peaking him with its eyes wide open.

Continue his bloodline as he had promised to his father. Without any thoughts, he gave his life blood over to him in hopes that he will have his child.

After it was done, guilt ate at him.

As soon as he patched up his wound, he went to find him to retrieve the life blood. When the life blood is removed from the host in three days, it will not cause pregnancy. That what he hoped for... but then he was attacked and bed ridden by those darn Mers.

His complete plan collapsed, and the poor oyster was pulled into his atrocious life against his will.

So he sent a letter to his elders stating that Hachin has an option to stay as his mate or to leave after the childbirth.

But who knew... who knew that this little oyster will become his whole life.

He gently placed a hand on his tummy. "I—I don't know how to atone for my sins, but I swear on my honour, I will never hurt you or anyone close to you,"

Hachin sat up. "Would that include my friend wren?"

"Yes, if you say so,"

"So you were having plans on hurting him in the first place. Great.... awesome to know that," Hachin stood up and walked away. But suddenly he glanced back. "Hua Ro, I don't like you because you are heartless.."

Hua Ro touched the water just as he did, but the Mer's swam away from his swiftly huddling together in the corner. "Am I a heartless...."

His reflection distorted, revealing an ugly form...

"No... I have a heart.. I do," he whispered softly, hiding his face with his palm.