Chapter 55 - The interrogation

[Warning- Little bit of violence included.]

The doors closed completely, and servants walked away.

Wren smirked. 'He-he, the fun begins now!'

He glanced up to the see the fat man had already undressed. He tossed his shirt and pants to the ground and hovered over him. "What a skin, oh what a skin. Smooth like silk..." he whispered, gently caressing his chin.

Just his single touch made bile pile up his throat.

"Okay, enough games." Wren let go of the rope and tossed him down.

The man opened his mouth to shout for help, but he quickly muffled it with his own shirt that littered the ground. He used the remaining rope around his wrist to tie his legs together with his hands.

The human was sobbing with his face all scrunched up.

"Oh, sorry, did I hurt your jaw?"

The man nodded.

"Well then," wren stuffed a pant it inside until his mouth looked overloaded. "Are you happy eating your own peace if shit?,"

"Now come, we have a lot to discuss," he dragged him back to bed and threw him like a piece of garbage. The man's fat layers jiggled.

"You really look like a fat sea cucumber. Have you seen them? They are flabby, but all in all look ugly," he whispered, patting his belly. It trembled each time. "Wow, this is fun. Now I understand why you like to play with innocent people,"

Qu wren used the remaining rope on the post to tie him up tightly. He then roamed around the room, searching for something particularly sharp.

He was only able to find a decorative vase. "This will do."

He shoved the vase inside a piece if random cloth on the ground and smashed it with his fist.

The man looked at him weirdly.

"You see, this cloth is to muffle any sound. What if someone barges in spoiling our beautiful fun time? I don't want that now, do I?" he even went to the trouble to latch the door from the inside.

"mmm... hmmhnmmmn," the man mumbled, wiggling his ass around. a certain part of him was also moving around.

"Ew I did not want to see that.. Seriously I think my eye shave been tainted." He picked up a piece of sharp porcelain and walked closer. He tossed him onto his back and pulled his knees apart.

"aghhhmmmmm!!!!" he wailed loudly.

"what? I haven't even started yet. Has anyone told you? You have high prospectus being in a drama crew... you act so well." he patted his cheeks. Even that trembled with his touch. "So cute."

He then glanced down at his third leg. "Aww, you are cute here as well. As small as a nub." He giggled.

The man, who was wailing till now, started to glare at him intently.

"What? did I hit a nerve? Size doesn't matter, hasn't anyone told you that? either way, it won't make a difference even if you lose yours," he took the sharp porcelain close and gently scarped him.

His skin was instantly cut, and blood dripped down. "tsk tsk, skin as tender as a chicken who doesn't love that!"

"Mnnnnnnn!!!!!" he squealed, rolling around.

"I didn't even do anything. Tsk stop acting so much," he pulled his muffle out. "Shh, if you let out even a sound, I will slice this little nub up. Well..... then you will have no nub."

  "I….I will not make a sound. I promise," he trembled with tears dripping down his face.

"Good, good," wren sat up with his hands still on his sharp piece. "Tell me, have you seen a young man with white hair?"


"Okay, how about a young man with black hair, but he has ruby red eyes similar to mine?" he gestured to his eyes.

Because hair can be dyed but eye colour can't be changed.

"I did not. I swear! I swear on my honour I never saw anyone like that,"

Qu wren sighed. His heart felt slightly happy that Hachin was not in this man's hands and slightly disappointed that he lost a lead.

"Okay, times up," he plugged his mouth full of cloth again.


"shh, shh it is just a snip, yes. It won't hurt at all. I promise," he sliced his thing of clean and tossed it to the side. He swiftly wiped his hand with a clean cloth. "After this, you will have to live a life filled with serenity and piece instead of fiery passion. I hope you good luck,"

The man fainted instantly in pain.

"tsk this is no fun at all. I did not like the touch of that." he continued wiping his hand off with any piece of cloth he could find.

After doing so, he swiftly tore the front part of his clothes. He tussled up his hair and sobbingly ran out.

"Monster! My- chastity! How could you..." he wailed, running around.

The servants gave him a look of pity, but none came forward to help him out.

Qu wren looked like he was running randomly, but he was actually following a particular scent.

The scent of the herd in his hair. It had a particularly sharp scent when it's smeared on cloth.

He followed it and it led him to a luxurious room.

Few guards noticed him, he continued wailing and ran the other side.

On the blind side of the guards, he swiftly jumped up onto the roof and removed few tiles. The inside was a sparsely lit room with candles all over.

The little cage was kept in there.

'hmm baby birdie is safe.'