Chapter 56 - Caught you~

The small cloth covering the cage was removed. Feng Mian instantly ran to the cage door and glared out. Lou Qui and a younger human stood there.

"Interesting. A young beastling. Do you know its breed?"

"I have no knowledge, sir. It was caught in the wild by some hunters," Lou Qui respectfully whispered.

"hmm, it does look wild," he whispered. "Who's out there? Pay him his part. And Lou Qui stops bringing I innocent bystanders. I can't clean up after my father all the time,"

Lou Qui bowed. "it was old master. He gave the orders sir if I go against it he might...."

"I'm telling you to go against it. Don't forget who leads this household." The young man mumbled, picking up a bowl full of raw meat. "About that young man today...."


"Make sure he does not leave out here alive. He looked like a young master from a reputed family. If anyone traces him back here, we will in trouble," the young man held one piece of chicken with a pair of chopsticks and held it out for Feng Mian.

Feng Mian raged and banged, aging the cage rocking it to and fro.

"Young master Ruo, I think your father will finish the job himself. That guy looked too frail he won't handle any...."

"I don't want to know the details. Just get it done,"

Feng Mian gritted his teeth. 'these fucking bastards. They plan to kill my oyster!!! Fuck them all!!!'

An unknown rage woke up in his small body.

Suddenly, he went up in flames.

"What's happening?" the young man stepped back vigilantly.

"This is a beast with elemental spiritual energy, young master," Lou Qui bowed deeply.

"Great, great!! With this I can win the upcoming match!!!" the young man excitedly jumped up.

Suddenly the whole cage burst up in flames and baby bird inside grew in side. Slowly, its form changed into a man.

The young master and Lou Qui tried running away, but the flames caught up to them swiftly.

A figure covered in bright red flames walked closer to them. "What did you just say? You want to kill him?"

Lou Qui stumbled down, lying low on the ground. "Forgive me! forgive me!! We don't know anything, I don't know anything. It was all this young master's fault!!!" he shouted.

The young man glanced back in shock. "I never ordered you to do anything!!!! Great cultivator beast... please we can.."

Before he could finish, the huge flames engulfed the room.

Wren, who was watching this from the top, was also pushed back by the force of the blast. He swiftly caught a tree branch and hung onto it. 'Guess I was right... my little birdie is my fiery beauty...'

He watched as he burned down the whole house.

Wren eyes glistened red, reflecting the flames all around him. His mind only focused on one person...

"Such eyes have been cleansed."

Feng Mian burned everything down to a crisp. He did not care if anyone got in the way. Anything and everything in this dirty place should just be burned.

Slowly, his anger came to control. The flames on his body slowed down, revealing his naked form.

Wren sat up straight. "We can't have that,"

But the young man swiftly hid his assets with a piece of random cloth he found in the rubble. Even that was on fire at the edges.

Feng Mian simply put it out with his fingers. "They really piss me off."

He pulled a random servant who was running for his life over. "Where did they take him?"

"w-who sir?"

"My man,"

The girl trembled even more. "That person... he is in the old master's chambers. It's to your south...." her trembling finger pointed south.

"Fuck," Feng tossed her away and swiftly ran in the direction she pointed.

Qu Wren chuckled softly. "That was so cute... he followed behind him. But before he could reach there, he got there by a shortcut.

Standing out of the room, he swiftly fixed his appearance. He tucked his shirt in, arranged his tussled up hair.

"you!! are you okay!!!" Feng Mian glanced at him from the top if his head to the bottom of his feet. His wrist was bright red and so were his feet. But other than that, he looked okay. He gently caressed the red marks...

"Did that fucker touch you?"

Wren shook his head.

"Good, where is he. I will fucking kill him." he pushed past him but Wren hugged him from his back.

"I'm scared...."

Feng Mian froze. "You are scared? Want to get out of here?"


Feng Mian tossed a huge ball of flame at the room and griped his hand. "Let's go." He gently pulled him out the door.

Unknown to him, the innocent looking Wren had a wide smirk on his face. 'Caught you my phoenix,'