Chapter 59 - Hachin or Wren?

Qu Wren took the small candle from Han Su and slowly moved closer to the Mer. "don't be alarmed I won't hurt you in any way possible."

The more he got close, the more he could see. The Mer was in fact a woman. Her long hair covered his top half while her shimmering tail covered her other parts.

Seeing the white hair, he slightly frowned.

'The Mer who attacked us also had white hair.'

As soon as he got close the Mer gasped. "It's you!"

Wren also was just as surprised. This Mer was the one who tried to hurt them. "Yes, its me." his calm expression turned stormy.

"Hachin, why are you here.... how did you even escape?" she sat up and glared at him. "It's all because of you. You are the reason my clan... because of you my clan was captured."

Qu Wren's eyes went bone cold. "Why is that? 'I' am but an innocent oyster. You captured 'me' you tried to hurt 'me' yet you blame 'me' for the destruction your clan faced. How is that fair?"

"Fair or not, you are the reason the Roc attacked us." the Mer silently sobbed loudly. "If you hadn't gotten involved with him, everything would have been good. We Mers would have happily lived in our homes... now.... all are gone. I don't even have a way to retrieve them." she bit her trembling lips.

Wren took a deep breath to calm his stormy mood. He sat down and placed the candle in between them. "What do you mean 'I' got involved with the Roc? 'I' have never been out of water,"

This was the truth. Hachin had not been out of water. The one time they both surfaced was for the heavenly rain ceremony. Even then, they both returned in just a few minutes. 'Why does she think Hachin's involved with the Roc?'

The Mer glanced at him with her eyes blazing with fury. "You carry that thing's dirty blood. If it wasn't for you, he would not have come to us. He tried to find you... because of the thing in you that Roc hurt us," she pointed to his belly.

All of a sudden, the cloth near his stomach moved.

"A monstrous creature. It can even move in the belly at such a young age!!! If this thing is born the whole world will be destroyed.." she cried, hiding her face.

Feng Mian popped out on the slid of his shirt with a dull look. "Chirp?" 'is this girl mental?'

He glanced up to witness Wren having a very cold look on his face. "Chirp?" he kicked him once more. 'Calm down.. I'll deal with this,'

Feeling the soft kicks, Wren cooled down a bit. He gently caressed the baby birdie's head. "It was never your business to judge whether I have the baby or not."

"c—ch....." Feng Mian froze. 'ba----baby?! Whose baby....'

The Mer chuckled dryly. "It is a cold-blooded creature and its child will also be cold-blooded. It will end up killing you. Is that what you want?"

Feng mina was even more startled. 'Is he carrying the Roc's child?!!!!!! NOOOO!! That's not possible as long as he has my blood inside of him that Roc's child could not have survived.'

The powers of ice and fire will always clash. His powers burned bright and hot while the Roc's made it cold and dark. They were both the yin and yang of the balance. It was not possible to join them both, yet they can live in harmony.

  He swiftly went back into the shirt and placed his head on his belly. There was no distinct heartbeat or any signs of a child inside of him. 'I knew it. There is no child.' He went back out and chirped loudly. 'What child? You are not pregnant!! You are mine!!!! Not that stupid Roc's!!!'

The Mer's eyes went wide. She intently looked at the black birdie on Wren's lap. "Your eminen..."

Mian saw recognising in her pupils. This Mer was the Mer clan chief's mate. He swiftly jumped onto her head and slapped her mouth with his meaty wings. "chirp!" 'Don't say a word girl, he does not know.'

The Mer instantly shut her mouth.

Wren picked him up and put him inside his shirt again. "One last question. Why did you target Hachin?"

"Huh, what do you mean?" the Mer looked confused for a second. First of all, their patron/ their leader was literally in his shirt. And second of all this oyster was talking in third person.

"Why did you target Hachin?"

"Aren't you Hachin? Why are you talking in third person?"

The fisher man who was listening to their conversation intervened. "Miss Sir's name is not Hachin, its Qu Wren,"

"What?!!!" the Mer tried standing up but her wounded tail stopped her half way. "You are not Hachin? Then who...." her eyes focused on the small pieces of pink hair that were flying off of his jet black hair. "Hachin has white hair... not pink.... then."

"The one you targeted is my friend. Now tell me, why did you do that?"

The Mer peered at him intently. "That guy with you.... he was the one...I should have known..... I should have."

"He is the one who is carrying the Roc's child," she dazedly whispered.