Chapter 60 - Shock

"He is the one who is carrying the roc's child," the Mer whispered.

Wren's face changed drastically. His expression went from stunned to surprised to shock. "t—that's not possible. I am the one who is pregnant."

"That is not possible, either. I got a report from your clan personally that Hachin was the one who is pregnant," she whispered with a deep frown.

"No, I got my medical testing report. I am pregnant," Wren shouted.

"You are pregnant?" a small voice whispered, interrupting them both. Moroko, who was asleep till now, had woke up. He dashed to him and gripped Wren's hand softly. "are you really?"

"Yes I am," Wren happily whispered.

"W—who is the daddy? Is it that red-haired guy?" Moroko's expression remained dull. A small tear escaped his squinted eyes, wetting Wren's hand.

"He is," Qu Wren gently wiped his tear away.

"CHIRP!!!!!CHIRP!!!!!!!!!" the little birdie struggled to get out of his shirt. With difficulty it jumped out and looked at him in surprise.

"What is it?" Wren gently caressed its head. The birdie pushed his hands away, chirping loudly.

The Mer watched all this with a deep, deep frown. It might seem like unknown chirps to other but she was able to understand it perfectly. Young Lord phoenix was crying out that it was not his child and that he was not pregnant.

"Wait, wait, who told you that? Come here." she pulled his hands and checked his pulse. "It's a normal pulse. You are not pregnant,"

"No, I am. You are lying." Wren strongly objected.

Feeling the heated situation, the Han Su and his wife intervened.

"I can check for you if you want," the fisherman's wife hesitantly whispered.

Wren walked to her and held out his hands. "Yes please. I don't believe a word she is saying. She most likely wants me to believe all her lies."

Han Su's wife frowned deeply. "Sir, you are not pregnant."

Wren's smile fell. "w—what? Can you check again?"

"yes I can." she checked it once more, but the pulse was clean. She shook her head at him.

"that.....  is not possible; our clam doctor checked me up and gave a report. He said I was pregnant." Wren moved back, shaking his head.

The Mer sighed loudly. "The doctor made a mistake. The reports got swapped by accident. Hachin was the one who was pregnant."

"No I felt pain. I vomited and..."

"You are not pregnant Wren." The Mer stopped him mid sentence. "I'm sorry you are not.."

Wren looked heartbroken. "Oh.... I—I need some time," he placed the birdie on the ground and left the hut.

Feng mainly tried following him, but his shadow had already disappeared into the deep dark night. "Chirp!! Chirp!!" he called out, but he never came back.

"I'll go check on him," Moroko ran out of the house without even wearing slippers.

Han Su sighed loudly. "Let's wait in." he gently picked up the struggling bird and placed him on a made shirt nest made of old clothes. "He needs some time. Let him grieve a bit,"

'Grieve? Why is he grieving?' Feng Mian looked at him with his eyes wide open.

"Young Lord, he thought that he was pregnant for a long time. He must have anticipated this child a lot... now he is left with disappointment. It will get better in time but he needs to let out his sorrow," the Mer whispered, picking him up gently in her hands.

Feng Mian slouched down. 'Is that why he was searching for me?'

"It's possible; the oysters sent word that both Wren and Hachin were swimming on the surface when you were fighting with that roc. I heard they both got sick as well... unusually sick. Wren was boiling the water up and Hachin was freezing it."

Feng Mian listened to all this with a small frown. He knew that Wren must have suffered a bit when his spiritual blood integrated within him, but he did not expect that he got sick. 'Is he still sick? I did not notice anything.... I did not know....'

"He is not sick. My mate checked their pulse when we found them because we were doubtful. Hachin was pregnant, and he just had your powers."

Mian nodded.

"But lord, what are you doing here....."

Feng Mian just dully looked at her. 'I don't know... I don't know what I'm doing here... I came here for my spirit blood,'

"So he has your spirit blood. No wonder he had your same aura. I can help you get it out of him," she offered kindly.

'Don't.. My spiritual blood has integrated within him,'

Spirit blood integrating with a person was a rare case. Only the life blood latched onto another person to form a new hatchling. Even he was surprised when he found his spirit blood flowing inside Qu Wren's body.

There was only one possibility why this happened.

"H—how is that possible. Lord... don't tell me....."

'Yes, I think he is my fated mate.' Feng Mian worriedly glanced at the door.