Chapter 108 - Dorm

One by one everyone came out. Camilla, who had chosen a course, was staying in waiting for Flora. They both came out together.

'Wren~" she came running. "we are in different departments. How will I meet you? How will I be able to convince you to spare me some of your sperm?"

Wren rolled his eyes. At this point, he got used to this girl's personality. "we can meet during breaks. But no deal on the sperm. Saving it for my beloved,"

She pouted. "Fine. I'll take the 'meeting on the break' deal. But I'm not giving up, I tell you. I really want a child," she said and sat next to him.

The silent Flora sat on his other side. They both keep an eye out for Shuri, who was prancing in anger.

"do you think they will change their decision?" he whispered ever so softly.

"Nope, they won't. Every year, only two are chosen for swordsmanship classes. I and Flora already got in. They won't let him in for sure,"