Chapter 109 - Class orientation

Feng walked out of the bath with just a towel hanging on his hips. "Aren't you gone get ready for class?"

"Hmm.. yes I'm already ready," Wren mumbled busily reading the book.

"What is that?" Feng sat on his lap. "Is this the book you got from Alin?"

"Hmm Feng, see this. There is something called a fire spirit glass. It can be used to heal your shattered core," he excitedly handed the book to him.

Feng silently read through the content. "Yeah, this is impossible."


"Look at the ingredients list. Fire spirit residue, that's impossible to find nowadays because fire spirits take decades to mature. Amazonite coral.. is only found deep in the ruins of the Gallia nation. The rest of the herbs are available, but they are very, very, very rare. Even with all my wealth, I might not be able to buy even one of these herbs." Feng handed the book back to him. "Get ready for class,"

His lover just sat on the chair with a disappointed look.