Chapter 145 - Love child

Feng rushed to his mate. "Wren.. breathe..." he patted his pale cheeks slightly. "Baby, breathe for me..."

Wren let out a deep breath. "It's.. It's her.. she is my mother... she looks like me... no I look like her...." his lower lip was slightly trembling and his eyes were starting to water.

"Shh take a deep breath and let it out. Just follow my breathing okay..." Feng gently cupped his cheeks. Wren refused to look at him. His tear-filled eyes were glued to the display.

"This is really awkward.." his mum mumbled.

"I.. I think she can see us! Feng.. she sees us.. she can see us!!" Wren hurried closer to the wall. "Mum.. Mum I'm here... I'm here..."

His mum fidgeted with the screen. "I don't know how people record messages in this. It's too hard to operate." The display went on and off. "Shit... I should ask him to set this up." after a moment a loud sigh was heard. "No I can deal with this on my own. I'm an independent lady,"