
It was noon when Errit finally found a place of interest. He was in the crafting district, Lisetya was watching and recording everything she saw. Once Errit realized her potential, he poured resources into her. The depository in the Capital was very happy to do business with him, they traded a large sum of CP and several liters of liquefied darkness essence as payment.

"These are some of the peculiar things, exactly what do they do?" Errit held a pair of Chakram up.

"The rings can hold energy and expel it. I didn't make these, I'm here trading my student's work. They need new materials and frankly, its easy to sell their work." He made a whoaing gesture and pointed at some more of the items for trade.

"So, you don't make things that are for sale? I'd love to watch people work." Errit looked around, everyone seemed rather guarded. He picked up anything that looked interesting. He came to another stall, it had potions. There was a man standing behind the counter. "Do you make the potions?"

"No." It was the fifth time in a row he had met someone that didn't even do the crafting, but it was the crafting district. Errit asked a different question this time. "Where can I watch people work, or learn some of the crafting techniques?" The man stopped what he was doing and shooed Errit away.

'What was his deal?' Errit thought maybe he stepped on someone's toes for asking, he tried it again at another potion stall.

"Do you make the potions?" It was the third potion stall, Errit wasn't holding his breath, he seemed bored from trying.

"I can, but.. I make more just moving other people's stuff. No one can afford my potions, I like using rare ingredients and its just not cost effective. These are the potions other people made, I can probably make them if I wanted.. but I can just buy them instead." He toiled with one of the bottles on the table, embarrassed.

Errit's ears perked up. "How much to you average a day?" he asked.

"What exactly do you mean, average? Do you mean CP? I make about 2000CP a day, I can do whatever I want with that." He didn't seem like he was lying and Errit couldn't think of a reason why he would have a reason to either.

Turning to the side, Errit smiled. It showed under the Blackout Hat. "What if I offered you more and you got to make potions in the process, and you can use the rare materials I have. The deal is that I get full access to your work and you have to teach me some basic fundamentals so that I can follow along. What do you think?"

The potion bottle tipped over and rotated on the table. Its cap was secure. "What did you just say?" It was like a light came on in the man's mind. His ears perked up. Turning, there was a small bushy tail behind him.

Errit saw the ears, then the tail. "My name is Kink."

"Ja'yei, you can call me Jay though." Jay responded and waited for Kink to tell him.

"I said. I'll pay you 3000CP a day, you'll..." Errit tried to full explain again, jay put his finger up.

"Hold up. Let me get this straight.. you'll pay 'ME' 3000CP a day to teach you about potions and stuff but I have to what? Give you a copy of my notes when making potions?" It sounded like he understood, the response was somewhat gratuitous. Errit smiled under the hat.

"Yup. I can pay you for today and even buy out your stock. What are you even selling anyway?" Errit realized that he didn't even know what potions were being sold.

He started reading the labels.

'Fertility Potion, ...'

'Bravery Pill, eating it will cause you to stop caring for six hours. Nothing will make you waver.'

'Stimulant, ...'

'Laughing Potion, ...'

'Forgetful Nights Drink, a Memory erasing potion, you would forget the last four hours.'

'Ashwaganda Salve, Anti-petrification salve, side effects listed including a brown skin tone.'

'Gallium Pellets' Crushing them made a silencing dust, blowing it onto a target made them unable to speak.

There were a few rocks nearby, they were orange and vapor came off of them in the sunlight.

'Sunstones, named after their color, they are not hot even thought they have a mist coming from them at all times during the daylight. The Sunstones are primarily used by the Elves to help their chieftains communicate with nature clearly, holding one will allow you to feel the soil around you.' There were nine of the Stones sitting in the pile. Errit immediately grabbed one and slammed the tabulator on the table.

"Are you in, or.. " He waited for Jay.

"I'm in.. I'm in. All this stuff, The Sunstones are a bit expensive but everything else is pretty boring, the prices are 500CP ea. I have 30 of all of them, you caught me when its still sort of early.. what can I say?" Jay acted careless again, he smiled and did the math.

Errit cringed when he got the bill and quickly transferred the funds. It was a lot of potion, he was mostly happy with the purchase. He was more happy with his new tutor.

They searched for the Inn, Errit rented another room. The Dragonkin bodyguards had flown away, likely back to their own business. "Okay. Are you ready?" Errit put his hand on Jay's shoulder.

Jay got a strange look on his face, he was about to open his mouth when Errit pulled out the Dimensional Key Card. Channeling, it fell onto the bed and they entered the Pocket.

The first words from Jay's mouth were curse words. Then, after picking his jaw up slightly, he saw the Treants drop more fruit onto the ground. Errit swiped them all and made his way toward the ship.

Inside he pulled out a chair near a white board and passed the marker over to Jay. "Okay, we can start with my first question. How do you make potions?"

'I hope this is worth it.' Errit pulled Lisetya from his shoulder and set her down beside him. When he fed her in front of Jay, Jay was puzzled and petrified by his position. Tongue-tied, he stood there until Lisetya wrote on a paper.

The note read, "Is this guy gonna do anything or just stand there?"

Errit fell over laughing and helped break whatever tension was building. He stood up after a moment, fixed the chair and asked again. "Just start talking, I'll have lots of questions along the way. Tell me about this potion." Errit held up a potion from a competitor.

It was a healing potion.

"Light healing potion, poorly crafted, look at the swill inside. they should have let it breathe longer before capping it and..." Jay sniffed the air.. "And they probably could have distilled it longer."

"So you're telling me you can make better?" Errit pushed a button.

"Of course I can make better, but a healing potion is boring. Look." He wrote the method down on the board, step for step.

Lisetya studied it continuously, passing notes to Errit.