The Council Approaches

Luimei saw how quickly the talks were breaking down, Kink's non-threat was a real threat. If they arrested him, it would be crazy. People would riot, demanding his release. Thus far, Kinky Company hadn't done anything violent or fraudulent, they only manipulated a market, to gain a foothold.

"We can't shut you down, any talk of it would be a lie. I can see now that you've done something and I give my word that I will be investigating it. The records are designed so that we can find things like this, I don't expect you to believe me just based on my word, so, I will agree to your terms, if you agree to give me two days to confer with the Kingdom. We cannot give you her position, it is one that is earned. She will likely lose her seat if she is involved, your implied crimes will go on record, if you're to blame, I cannot stress the penalties." Luimei looked at all of his colleagues, "I cannot believe that any of you can be involved, but I cannot dismiss this accusation either. There is reason and argument behind his words."

Ginger stood up and started to leave, "Since you will have no word about this, there is no reason to be here. You've already made your decisions. Hmmph, I don't approve. I ask for a vote to shut this place down."

"Denied." Luimei shut her down. "You do not have such authority and gods willing, we'll never have to suffer through such a tragedy in oversight."

Ginger left without saying anything further, she'd been embarrassed enough.

"What do you expect us to do? We are the Council, we cannot bend to the whims of an individual." Rolley asked, "James has more invested than that wench, but I don't see him here.."

Luimei picked up one of the fruit, "I know this fruit. I've seen one before." he toyed with it in his hands then sank some energy into one. It hatched. "What the fuck?"

"Its fine, I needed a few for the Tower. I brought out the whole fruits instead of slices because I needed the full item for authentication. Ransonor Trees are Treants, these fruit can hatch into more Treants but they are extremely sweet and provide a strengthening component to potions." Kink took the tree and held it in his hands, it wrapped its roots around him and wanted to burrow. "I know you have a lot of questions, how about asking me on a tour. But only you, everyone else is banned from reentry, I won't do business with people who seek to undermine individual accomplishment."

Errit held the door, he invited Luimei and they went to the stairs. Invega escorted the rest of the Council out of the building and took note of their appearance, she had overheard the entire conversation.

"Each floor will be a different climate, presumably I'll be able to keep many different types of plants, this towering greenhouse will be an example, a beacon for what could be done. You've said it yourself, I've moved very fast. Yet, I am just an individual." Kink led him up the stairs and into the first garden floor. "This is the first room, we don't have to go all the way up, each is the same and they are all currently blank. Planting will happen after this meeting and well into the future."

Kink laid the treant down into the soil and watched it expand and grow a few feet almost instantly, it was shocking for Luimei to see such growth happen in front of his eyes. "What happened? Why did it grow so fast??" The Council Leader was very intrigued and a little bit in awe over the demonstration.

"Trade secret, but again.. you'll probably find out if you allow my the unrestricted access to your knowledge base and books on materials and appraisal." Kink pulled out a few grass seeds and started to plant them in a line. He kept a spacing of about 12 inches between them and went row by row as he spoke. "There will be a lot of medicinal herbs grown right here, safe and productively. The loss of life can be avoided in many cases."

Luimei stopped him, "Exactly what do you think you can do that the City cant? And what would you ask the City to do if you were a member of the Council?"

"If the city truly wants to contribute to 'MY' idea, they could give me seeds of rare plants in their collections. I will buy them, of course, but hiding materials, that has to end. If I was a member of your Council, first I would go into isolation to consolidate the information and then I would stop forcing civilians to get items identified before trying to sell them, especially lower level and low tiered herbs. Things that basically every apprentice appraiser knows, shouldn't be needing a professional to look over. Its a huge waste of materials and manpower." Kink took a deep breath.

There was no need to hold anything back, he said, "I also don't want any obligation, zero obligations to the council, I will do as I choose but I don't want to be forced into meetings that are meaningless. I understand the occasional necessity, but honestly, was there even a reason for so many members of the council to come here today? No." Kink laughed after clearing his throat a bit more and planting another seed. "You know I'm right, so why not tell me directly. Are you going to agree and get out of the way or.. do we have to do things the long way?"

"What's the long way?" Luimei asked with question marks.

"If you deny me the seat? then I gain power and take it by force. If you try to close my shop, I move outside of town and do it anyway. If the kingdom sends troops to arrest and attack me? You'll lose more than just a few soldiers." Kink's eyes focused on Luimei. "I won't even have to fight, the citizens themselves will rally to support me. I'm not so well known right this second but this is just the start. By next week, my name will be written in future books for this achievement alone. Bringing the Council to my home, to visit and ask." Kink knew he was stepping on toes and stopped talking to see what Luimei really had to say about it.

"You have a lot of nerve, but you're not wrong. The Council has things to discuss, I will, in principle agree to your terms, but you must agree to mine. There needs to be some sort of order, the council must have control over this." He looked at Kink, he thought for a moment that Kink would assault him for the statement.

Errit laughed, "Not even over my dead body." Cracking his neck, Kink looked ready to fight. "No one will take what's mine. If individual accomplishment is illegal, then you're about to start a war you don't want and will never win."

Luimei stopped him. "Hold on. We're getting on the wrong foot. No. the council must have some stake in this if the kingdom is to support it." He tried reasoning.

"Like Hell! I haven't had their support yet and look how good I'm doing. What I want is my own autonomy. If that concept doesn't exist, then make me a council member and I'll make sure that it does. Personal freedom and growth should not only be expected but encouraged." Kink pulled out a sword.

"So you're going to attack me now that I've said we must have a stake in this?" Luimei seemed angry and betrayed.

"I'm not going to attack you, this is in case you try to steal anything from this place or my people. Now, Get out." Kink pointed the sword to the door and escorted the Council Leader to exit. "Next time you come, don't bring your guilt trips, I don't owe this country a fucking thing. Next time you do come, bring my Council Member badge and a better attitude."

Luimei left and started walking down the street toward his waiting carriage. 'What an arrogant asshole, I guess it comes with the territory but seriously, what a dick.' Stepping up and into the carriage, he told the driver "Council Offices.. No, the Magister's Residence."

Jay came up and saw the dust behind the carriage, turning, he saw Kink standing there. "Ah.. you scared me, how did it go?"

"I think it went better than I thought it would, but only time will tell." Kink walked back into his office, there were a line of people waiting with rare materials.