A Visit to the Magister's Mansion

The weather was nice, except in the foothills near the edge of town. The Magister's house was on a hill, its large walls surrounded it like a fort. A Carriage carrying Luimei had arrived and it was beginning to drizzle. The wet stonework paths to the house shined in the afternoon light, clouds did little to shade the area even during the rains.

"We've arrived, Sir." The driver opened the carriage door and Luimei stepped out. A line of servants greeted him on his arrival, they showed him to the lobby to wait for the Magister.

"Thank you," Walking into the room, Luimei thanked the housemaid and took a lap around the room. There were bookshelves lining the walls and nice carpets on the floor. It smelled like wood and alcohol by the fire, a decanter with some fine distilled whiskey sat on the table. Three glasses were stacked behind it, Luimei grabbed one and poured himself a small glass.

'Not much of this stuff around,' He swirled it in the glass and smelled it. It was some Tennessee whiskey, brought over during the transmigration. Only a handful of shipping containers that had alcohol made the voyage across worlds. 'Not bad, its aged well.' He took another sip and sat by the fire.

Another servant came in with a tray of snacks, small pastries from town. They each had different effects but they were mild boosts to health. He took an tart and bit down, it was fresh. "The Master is concluding his business after I informed him of your arrival, he had me bring refreshments to you while you wait." He was a quiet man, he left very quickly and didn't return.

Sighing heavily, Luimei took another sip from the glass 'Rich people, they just do whatever they want.' He tossed the rest of the drink in the fire, set the glass down and started to leave.

"What? you don't like Whiskey?" A voice came from the corner, it was a man in a stealth suit. When he came out of the shadows, he tapped a formation on his shoulder and reappeared.

'Che' Luimei clicked his tongue, "So, this is how he plays his tricks." he said, grabbing the door handle to leave, he stopped and said "I don't like to wait, apparently my arrival is not as important as whatever guest he's entertaining. Goodnight." Twisting the handle, he made his way down the corridors and toward the carriage.

It stayed parked by the driveway, the beasts laying down from boredom. Luimei got the drivers attention himself, usually a steward would inform him and have him meet at the driveway's end. The Driver was startled but understood that Luimei was not in a mood for chatter. They left, a trail of mud stained the path as they went.

The ground was soft.

A loud thundering sounded, the rain increased by folds and the ground began to shake underneath the moving carriage. The Driver called out, "LANDSLIDE!" The Beasts were turning downhill, rushing as fast as they could. The Cart was crashing down the hillside, trees were following behind, slipping in the muddied earth. Rocks and trees, dense and vigorous trees that could sometimes outweigh the rocks themselves slid down the side of the hill.

Luimei channeled a spell and kicked open the door to hang out. He flipped over the doorway to land on the top of the carriage. The Driver was furiously whipping the reins and steering them the best he could. The Councilman knew it was a life or death situation and grabbed the Driver.

He cut he carriage free while he jumped onto the back of the Beasts. Putting the driver on one and him on the other, they made their way to safety. Without the carriage's weight, the giant lizards were easily able to get ahead of the debris and tidal flow of earth. The Pass between the hills was a mess, uprooted trees were upside down, rocks were stuck all over the place and pockets of space underneath the debris was causing burps underneath the mud.

Sinkholes appeared.

An emergency team could see the landslide from the air and came to investigate, by the time they arrived, the landslide had come to a complete stop. Its aftereffects and damage were the only signs of movement. Sinking trees and broken houses littered the area.

Luimei called out to the aerial patrol, "Get me out of here, take me directly to the Council Chambers."

It was an order out of nowhere, but they followed it. Chief Luimei was no pushover and he could ruin a career with a judgement of incompetence.

"Yes. Sir." Chief Luimei was carried to the Council Chambers and gave his thanks to the patrol unit, they left immediately before they could be drafted into something other than the job they had been paid to do.

An attendant in the Chambers greeted the Chief and walked with him to his Office. "There is a man inside to see you, he says his name is Fedora Jones." She quickly tried to warn him before entering.

"Well, see him out. I don't have an interest in other matters, I have official business to take care of. What was it about anyway?" He asked.

"Sir, he's here because the Depositor Chief hired him. He says he has information that he wants to sell to the council." She bowed politely and left when he opened the Office door.

'Hmm.. I don't have time for this shit.' "What do you want?" Luimei's attitude was poor but he needed to know just what was going on.

"Hold your praises, its nice to meet you too.. figured you'd want to know if you have a thief among you, I've got the information on the Auction House thefts." The man introduced himself, "My name is Kermi. My price is.."

Luimei produced an Ice dagger and plunged it into the wall behind Kermi. "I don't give a flying fuck what you want. Give me the information or i'll have you thrown into chains for a year." He produced a prisoner's collar and wagged it in the air.

"You don't have to be such a prick about it, All I wanted.." Luimei interrupted Kermi again.

"Shut the fuck up, give me the information now." Luimei whistled, four guards appeared from the walls. "Take him to a dungeon, let him think things over. Then, come back. We have something we need to do."

Luimei grabbed some things from his desk and cabinets. Then, he opened a safe that was hidden behind a trophy plaque.

There were several rings inside.