
(Yes it's the amateur writer here forgetting to describe characters from chapter 1)

First is Jessica she's 5,9ft age 28 with blonde hair and a cup size D . Secondly is Lori she's 5ft age 18 with brown hair cup size C. Thirdly it's Fred 5,7ft with a slim body and black hair. Fourthly to make sure I don't forget Zekes daughter Ema 4,5ft age 11 hair darker green then Zeke. Lastly clementine 4,1 age 8 hair by black)

(btw the lights to the marijuana plants are on a timer so the light goes on and off by themselves so there almost in complete darkness, the only thing producing light is very dim lights in the roof)

(Thank you for reading)

The next day Jackson woke up first out of everyone but he couldn't move... jasmine was leaned against him and clementine moved her way over when Jackson was sleeping.

So Jackson has clementine an his left leg and jasmine cuddled up against his chest. looking around he saw a battery clock on the wall saying 2am, then he seen Fred getting up slowly and started to stretch, when Fred looked in Jackson direction he seen jasmine cuddled up against him. Fred couldn't help but smile then he stuck out his hand and gave Jackson a thumbs up. then he rolled back over and went to sleep.

Jackson couldn't help but smile. Fred was the only one in the group who wanted to lighten mode anytime he could and Jackson respected that about Fred.

Jackson was always thinking forward even before the apocalypse but not being able to move he tried relaxing for once but to only to fall back to sleep.

Jackson opened his eyes the same time the lights turned on, for him to see jasmine in his lap laying against him with clementine in her lap. He was comfortable but it was time to get up.

Jackson was about to move but noticed clementine waking up. She got up to stretch making a bunch of noise waking jasmine up.

"Good morning jasmine, how did you sleep?" Jasmine hearing Jackson so close she got flustered standing up immediately and answered.

"ahhh good morning yes I did, it was better then the ground I'm sorry for not asking and thank you." She said looking down embarrassed.

"Don't be sorry I don't mind,I was comfortable my self. I noticed clementine in your lap when did you two get so close?" Jackson asked as he stood up looking around seeing everyone do the same.

"Last night actually, she was having bad dreams so I calmed her down and I might have used you as a pillow because how uncomfortable the floor was" she answered as she combed her hair.

Jackson nodded in response. Then he walked over to clementine still doing stretches, "I heard you we're having bad dreams again you want to talk about it?" He asked as he placed his hand on her head.

She stoped stretching and turned to Jackson with a warm smile,"I'm ok Jackson, talking about it only makes me sad. Besides I got you can jasmine so I'm going to be fine." she said as put her thumb up.

Jackson couldn't help but feel bad. But he covered that up with a smile,"so are you ready for some training?"

"Training?" Clementine said with a confused face making Jackson smile even bigger.

Jackson walked over to the bunker door, to put his back up to it and announce to everyone." Good morning everyone, I hope everyone had a good nights sleep. Because today is training day!"

Everyone walked over to Jackson with different emotions. some we're happy, some were depressed but other were confused.

"Some of you look confused but that's ok, today I'm going to teach everyone here how to protect themselves." Jackson announced while he waved his hand telling everyone to get closer.

"What do you mean by everyone, we have children and the elderly?" Zeke said with clear anger in his voice.

But all Jackson's did was smile and it turned his rage into fear."yes everyone here is going to learn how to defend themselves. This world is NEVER going back to being civilized, people will take what they want and the dead will eat anything they can get their hands on."

"So you tell me Zeke are you going to be able to hold your little girls hand her whole life until she dies of old age?" Jackson asked practically mocking zeke.

Zeke looked away and stayed quiet to scared to answer.but he new Jackson was right he couldn't protect her forever,but he can prepare her for the harsh world.

"Today is going to be more of lesson then training but that's not important, I just need everyone to listen closely." Jackson announced waiting for everyone's full attention.

When Jackson saw everyone paying attention he continued," The zombies are something we're going to approach a lot in life so I'm going to tell you the best way not to die from them."

"The most dangerous part of a zombie is of course Is there teeth if they bite you, your dead same goes for there fingernails don't let them scratch you."

"Their hands are dangerous as well don't let them grab you if they do they won't let go. If you can avoid those you have nothing to worry about." Jackson was about to continue but surprisingly Tom raised a palm to him, so he stoped.

"You said today was going to be training not a lecturer. I was wandering if there will actually be martial arts training today?" Tom only asked because he new it was on everyone's mind.

This made Jackson laugh for a second. "if you think you can be as strong as me in the new world your out of your mind. But if you want to live you don't need to be as strong as me."

"The dead are weak and slow, all it takes is you using your brain and some outmaneuvering. But the living is a different story that's why I was going to train simple techniques that might help." Jackson explained pausing for a moment.

"Why can't we get as strong as you? you don't think we can handle it?" Lori spoke up clearly annoyed she wasn't going to be probably trained.

Jasmine already new the answer but she stayed quiet waiting for Jackson to tell her. Jackson on the hand was thinking to himself (only if she only new).

"Thats exactly right! my master put me through hell it makes the world we live in now look like a picnic in comparison. But that doesn't mean I can't teach you some different techniques that can keep you alive."

Everyone looked at Jackson in disbelief but he didn't care in the slightest and continued talking.

"I'm going to need a volunteer to help me demonstrate."

Tom walked over and stood in front of Jackson, "what do you need me to do?" Tom asked "strike me with full power to the face" Jackson said with a straight face, like he didn't ask a military trained soldier to punch him with full power.

But before anyone could ask if it was a good idea Tom already I'm mid swing. Tom threw out a full strength, straight jab at Jackson's face just like he asked.

Before Tom could realize what happened all could seen in front of him was Jackson fist stopping before it connected. Tom didn't even realize he was floor.

Jackson pulled his hand away from his face to open it offing to help him up, Tom took his hand and got up to see everyone in the room with there mouth open shocked.

"So can you demonstrate it again for me it I rather not be the volunteer" Tom said as he walked back to his spot with a smile. Tom has never been out matched to such a degree in his life. He couldn't help but smile, a 18 year old boy could beat him without a second thought.

"Of course everyone seen what happened right?" Jackson asked hoping one person seen it.

Everyone seen it but couldn't believe how smoothly it was executed. When Tom attempted to punch Jackson he took two steps forward avoiding punch, getting real close to put his right leg behind toms then he simply pushed Tom over knocking his off balance following up with a punch to show he had full advantage over the fight.


"I'm guessing you just have to get your leg behind these and push them over no?"

"That's exactly right! But we're not trying to hurt each other so be careful, if everyone can find a partner to practice with and take turns with each other and every should learn this today and maybe a couple more if we're lucky."Jackson explained making everyone eager to learning the move and get on with the next.

Jackson walked over to Zeke stoping him from going with his brother." Hay I got a couple of questions to ask you if you don't mind?"

Zeke felt he didn't have a choice but he still replied positively"shoot"

"Do you have a pocket knife by chance? Also your daughter... she's a bit old and your kind of young mind explaining?" Jackson asked fully expecting a no.

Zeke thought about it for a minute wandering what he should do. Turning to his daughter looking at him." She's adopted. She's a close friends daughter who had nobody lift. I got a letter from her father it read"

(Zeke my only friend, my brother, I have no time left, sorry I didn't tell you. but I couldn't see you worried about me on my passing moments, sorry for that but if your reading this it means cancer has beaten me and I'm leaving my only daughter behind in the world alone so that's why I'm asking you to be the father I couldn't be please my brother.)

Jackson didn't expect a answer much less her whole back story" thank you for telling me it sounds like life was rough even before the apocalypse. I'm sorry for your loss.

But I was wondering if you were going to train her or if you wanted me to?"

Zeke snapped out of his sadden state"thank you Jackson you have my permission but you still have to ask her." He said pointing at ema.

Jackson kneeled down" do you want to be able to protect your self and the people you love? If so I'll teach you." Jackson asked as he made I contact with her.

Ema was intimidated by Jackson but she new how strong he was and she didn't want to die."I'm not very good at anything, but I'll give it my best try if your willing to teach me." She answered not breaking eye contact with a serious expression.

Her answer and reaction made Jackson laugh as he stood back up." She's going to do great with that attitude. But you didn't answer me zeke, do you have a pocket knife by chance?" He asked in hopes he did.

"Actually I do but it's not that sharp" zeke handed Jackson the knife and walked back to Zack.

"Following me ema I'm going to introduce you to a good friend of mine" Jackson asked ema who was looking at zeke walk away."yes I'm ready" she answered as she followed Jackson.

After introducing the girls to each other they got along well. But Jackson immediately started speaking to them."I'm here to teach you girls how to defend yourself from the zombies. You might be scared of them and there's a good reason to be there very dangerous but you are faster,stronger and smarter then them. So I'm going to teach you a few things about how to kill one without getting hurt or grabbed. any questions?"

The girls stayed quiet waiting for Jackson to continue his lesson. Jackson walked over to clementine giving her one of his screwdrivers."this is how your going to protect your self clementine." Clementine grabbed the screwdriver inspecting it then just holding it there like she didn't know what to do.

Jackson then walked over to Ema giving her the pocket knife."this is going to be the weapon you use for now, hopefully we find another screwdriver in the town. But this is better then nothing." Ema grabbed the pocket knife flicking open then closing it carefully.

"These weapons can save your life or it can get you killed. For example they pocket knife it might get stuck easily so don't be scared to let it go and get some help. Weapons can help if you know how to use them right, for example clementine has a pointed screwdriver it's meant for stabbing and not slashing."

"The last thing I have to tell you is that the zombies legs are one of there weak spots. so if you don't think you can stab it in the head bring his head down to you." Jackson explained hoping the girls would understand and to his surprise Ema rose her hand and Jackson looked at her.

"Is there anything else I understand everything you told me I just want to go back to my dad." Ema asked as she looked in zekes direction who's currently being thrown to the ground by his own brother.

Jackson couldn't help but sigh." Of course if you understand what I said but let me have that pocket knife back before you go I want to sharpen it for you I promise I'll give it back." He asked as he smiled at Ema. she immediately gave back the knife and ran over to zeke.

Clementine didn't know what to do with the screwdriver so she asked."what do I do with this if I'm not using it?"

"I usually put it behind my belt but I see your not wearing one I'll carry it for now if you like" Clementine didn't hesitate to give Jackson the screwdriver and run over to Ema who was sitting watching her dad spar with Zack.

Jackson looking around seen everything practicing seeing everyone understand what to do he announced."since everyone got the hang of the first technique I'll give you another. Zack would you please be my volunteer?" Zack didn't mind he walked over to Jackson standing beside him.

"If you couldn't tell my style of martial arts Is based on how strong your lower body is compared with your opponent. So Zack go ahead and attach me."

Zack didn't hesitate seeing him be able to counter Tom so easily. Zack with all his strength tried punching Jackson in the face with his right arm.

Jackson caught Zack by the wrist with his right hand pulling him past himself and with his other hand placed it on his elbow.

"From this position you could ether brake your opponent arm or slam them to the ground it's your choice." Jackson demonstrated to everyone as he let go of Zack, making them nod there heads in approval.

When Zack walked back to his group to practice Jackson looked at the time it was already noon.

"everyone please only practice for another hour or so at most then we eat and rest up for the adventure that awaits us tomorrow." Jackson announces getting everyone anxious for the journey.

(Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed)