Leaving the bunker

The next morning when the lights turned on waking everyone up, making Jackson,jasmine,clementine got up form they're comfortable position that they used the night before.

"Everyone gather your gear and meet me at the door when your ready to move out."Jackson announced already walking to the door with all his gear with clementine and jasmine not far behind.

Everyone slowly got up taking there time. But Tom and felicity were already heading to Jackson. Felicity was the one to approach Jackson first, obviously nervous,Jackson could tell by her body language.

"I have another favor to ask yet again of you Jackson. I wanted to know if we could take a couple of plans up. Tom told me this place will last only 3 more days without gas, so I was wondering if we could save one or two of the plants."she asked while making eye contact with a worried expression.

Jackson thought about it, these plants were in buckets filled with soil plus the plants probably making it around 40 pounds give or take.

"The most we can do is two plants. We would take more but it's a long walk and I don't expect anyone to run with a plant in there hands." Jackson explained hoping this would be enough for felicity.

But when felicity heard Jackson she couldn't help but smile,"thank you Jackson that will be more then enough. you've done so much for me already thank you for everything you do Jackson" She replied with a slight smile still visible on her face, making Jackson sigh but he still couldn't help but smile a little.

After 15 minutes everyone was ready to leave, Jackson convinced Zack,zeke,mark to take turns carrying a plant. While he carried one.

"Everyone I need you to listen very carefully" when Jackson said this everyone took it seriously giving Jackson there full attention.

"Sometimes situations get out of hand fast or we might be walking into a trap, so if anyone sees something suspicious or think we're in danger one snap with your fingers. If you hear a snap that means shit got real. If you hear a snap you need to be on full alert and ready for anything. Dose everyone Understand?" Jackson asked with a serious expression making everyone understand he wasn't kidding.

Jasmine slowly raised her hand making Jackson smile her direction letting her speak. "So a (snap) means that we're about to get into a fight or we have to defend are selfs is that right."

"That's exactly right. Just be ready for a snap anytime. Alright everyone let's move out." Jackson announced as he opened the door and waking through with plant in hand With everyone falling.

The hour walk felt like hours to some, but to Jackson felt like another day. After the 40 minute walk they made it to the ladder. when everyone thought it would be difficult to get the plants out, Jackson climbed the ladder one handed Opening the hatch leaving like it was nothing.

Arriving at the top of the hatch Jackson could hear people talking but that didn't stop him from climbing up, but before he did he snapped his fingers before leaving the hatch. Making everyone more cautious before climbing the ladder.

"We don't know who or what's down that hatch there could be a army of the undead for all we know." A tall woman was talking a bit loud to a shorter guy."I think we should get somewhere safe before you start shouting and drawing the dead to us." The shorter guy suggested in a calm tone as he cleaned his ear with his pinky.

This is why Jackson wasn't scared to continued leaving the bunker. When he got the hatch fully open and placed the plant on the ground, but the hatch made a loud noise as it clanged against a piece of metal that's designed to lock the latch open.

When the shorter guy heard the hatch, he grabbed for something in the back of his pants. Jackson not taking a chance pulled his 1911 out of the holster pointing at them before the guy could grab whatever he was grabbing for.

"Hello my name is Jackson I'm quite friendly, so let's not do anything hasty." He said with a smile with the gun pointed at the shorter guys head. Making the shorter guy and the woman put there hands up.

Jackson lowered his gun putting it in the holster as he said,"if I have to draw my gun again, I will use it so don't grab for your weapons again." This made the two sigh in relief.

"Sorry about my hasty actions but we had a rough couple days, I'm glad you understand that since you lowered your gun and all." The shorter man said as he crossed his arms staring at Jackson. but the woman didn't say a word moving behind the shorter guy.

Jackson couldn't help himself he started smiling ear to ear, when he seen the woman clearly scared of him even though he's trying his best to be friendly.

He calmed himself before he spoke but that didn't change that fact the shorter guy saw Jackson disturbing smile before it quickly disappeared.

"We were just leaving the bunker, it has another 3 days of power if your trying to rest up. but you have to wait for all my people to leave fist of course." Jackson spoke in his usual cold demeanor that sent shivers down there spine.

The next person to leave the hatch was Tom and when he saw two people he wanted to draw his gun but he saw Jackson has already scared the shit out of them, judging by the facial expression of the taller woman at least.

"Everyone double time it we have company" Tom shouted down the tunnel making the shorter guy speak up." Can we all please be quiet there are dead everywhere outside the city." The short guy said with a calm unfazed expression.

Jackson looked closer at the short guy. He could tell he was a martial artist by the way he stood there unfazed by the situation not to mention his body didn't look like it had a gap of fat.

Jackson began to approach the short guy"I see your not scared or intimidated by me that mean you must have faith in your abilities no?" He asked as he approached even closer making the woman backed away form the short guy. but he just stood there looking at Jackson with a amused expression.

"The only thing I fear is a gun. but since your not pointing it at my head anymore, no I'm not scared or intimidated of you what was it... Jackson right?" He said with a smile as he walked toward Jackson.

Tom was watching the whole time very curious what Jackson was going to do. But the woman with the short guy was scared, not for the short guy but for Jackson!

When they got in striking distance Jackson swung his right fist out,not with any real power. the short guy grabbed Jackson wrist with his right hand, then with his full power stomped on Jackson knee trying to break it, but he didn't budge a inch.

Jackson grabbed the guy by leg with a vice grip making him loosen his grip on Jackson wrist and try and pry Jackson's hand off his leg but to no avail, suddenly Jackson's let go the short guy didn't hesitate to jump away using Jackson knee as a launch pad.

"What the fuck are you? that kick would have broken anyone's knee,even if they were a steroid junkie who only worked on leg day. How are you standing?" The short guy demanding a answer with anger in his voice. But all that did was make that same smile that vanish moments before appear but with more vigor.

"You look pretty intimidating there, I won't tell you my secrets. so why don't you just get ready to fight like you were going to die." Jackson couldn't control his facial expressions so he didn't even know how intimidating he was being.

The guy rushed in preforming a spin kick toward Jackson's face, Jackson blocked the attack with his right arm. but that's what he wanted the guy drops to the ground going for Jackson ribs, but Jackson blocked with his left. The short guy kepted going for vital spots with full strength trying to kill Jackson just for Jackson to catch or block all of them.

Finally Jackson thought play time was over and started countering making the short guy switch to defensive tactics. Jackson decided to give him a taste of his own medicine going for the same vital spots the he did, just for the short guy to block or dodge his attacks. Jackson thought "maybe this guy could handle a kick or two only if I'm holding back."Jackson went for a roundhouse kick to his head.

The short guy noticed Jackson didn't swing with full force, but seeing Jackson able to block everything he threw out he was done underestimating him and decided to block with full power.

When Jackson's kick connected the short guy he successfully blocked the attack from hitting his face, but Jackson kick felt like a sledgehammer making the guys arm go num and go to one knee.

"So I take it that's all you have? Your pretty good but you lack patients and you also lack the ability to gauge the power of your opponent." Jackson said almost lecturing the poor guy.

Then he turned around to see everyone waiting. Unknown to Jackson everyone watched the whole fight, waiting for him to finish.

The short guy was left trembling and painting out of breath."How are you so strong I've been training for years able to beat my opponent with pure skill alone. how is a musclebound gym attic able to beat me." He claimed with only anger without a trace of fear. But when Jackson looked back to him his body immediately started trembling.

"You shouldn't assume things from appearance alone. Because I've never been to a gym before everything you see is achieved by hard work and dedication to my martial arts." Jackson answered as he turned back to his group and started walking toward the sun away from the city.

The short guy was left there speechless until the tall girl walked back over. "I thought you said you would never lose a fight?" She didn't say this with anger or spite but fear. "that was no man but a demon in human form. let's get into the bunker before the dead arrive." He answered back in his usual calm not carrying demeanor.

(Thank you for reading and sorry for the short chapter the next chapter will be longer to make up for it)