The Journey to the “small town”

When Jackson walked away from the short guy, everyone thought Jackson gone crazy fighting random people.

Jackson could feel the tension in the group so he spoke up without turning around, "some of you are probably thinking, why would I fight a random person? It's simple I wanted to fight him and he wanted to fight me, so we fought simple as that." He explained but his answer that didn't surprise them In the slightest.

Tom decided he needed to speak with Jackson so he jogged around to the front of the group walking next to Jackson,"I have no right to tell you this but I don't think it's a good idea to fight anyone you want to. That guy didn't look like he was holding back he could have broken your leg and that's not something that can just heal back." Tom explained with a worried expression hoping Jackson would understand.

"Sorry Tom, but If I see someone strong that wants to fight I'm not going to back down. The reason for that it's my master, he told me if anyone challenges you make them wish they never had." Jackson answered with a evil smile that no one could see.

Tom didn't expected nothing less from Jackson so he walked back to felicity with a smile visible to everyone. Everyone else thought the same thing, they couldn't blame him he's a martial artist why wouldn't he want to fight?

Jackson was lost in thought as he walked, thinking about were would all the strong people be in the new world. But his thoughts were cut short by clementine grabbing his left hand," did you have fun Jackson?" She asked as she looked up to Jackson with a smile.

This made Jackson smile," I guess I did. but it didn't last long unfortunately, why do you ask?" Jackson asked as he felt someone else grab his right hand, it was jasmine of course looking at Jackson with a bright smile.

"You are always smiling when your in a fight or if someone mentions a fight" she answered back as she kicked a stick out her way hitting a tree.

Jackson never really noticed himself smiling, but he always new he was by the way his opponent would look at him either with fear or anger.

"So Jackson how long do you think it's going to take to get there." Jasmine asked as she examined her surroundings making sure no one was creeping in the woods.

Jackson noticed her nervousness, "if we walk at a good speed maybe a hour forty minutes give or take. Why you feeling ok?" He asked even though he knew she wasn't.

"Yah I'm fine, I just don't like the woods." She answered as she got closer to Jackson, putting his arm in between her breast.

Jackson was glad he was there to comfort her, he also didn't mind how close jasmine was either.

"It's ok to be scared, but it's not ok to let it control you. Your the only other person besides Tom with a gun,so I'm going to need you." He said with a smile hoping it would calm her nerves a little.

Jasmine took a deep breath as she lightly slapped herself before speaking. "Your right, I need to stay focused, I'm one of the only other people in are group with a gun. so it's up to us to protect the group from other people." She said as she released his arm but still holding his hand.

When jasmine finished talking they saw a clearing through the woods on there right were you could see the main road. Jasmine attempted to walk toward the road to quickly be stopped by Jackson not moving.

Jackson turned around to the group,"lessen very closely everyone the main roads are dangerous so we're going to be traveling through the woods till we get there. but don't worry the road will always be in site we're not going deeper into the woods." Jackson announced to everyone without raising his voice to loud.

Nobody liked what Jackson had to say but it didn't make anyone speak up. The reason was because they new he was right. Jasmine on the other hand felt better being closer to the road.

After walking for 10 minutes with nothing but the desolate roads and the luscious green forest, they found a circle K. This circle k had all the windows broken,cars crashed into the building and the dead were walking everywhere.

(30 zombies total)

Jackson was staring at the circle K thinking in what they would need that's inside,"this may be risky but this gas station has supplies we need and we don't know if we're going to come across anything else. so I'm going and I'm only taking 3 other people to help clear it anyone?" He said while turning to the group.

To Jackson's surprise Fred,mark,Lori,and jasmine walked over to him. waiting for him to pick 3 out of the four.

Seeing who approached, a plan formed in Jackson head. "My fist question is does anyone have a loud whistle?" Jackson asked looking around to see Tom raising his hand,"I know how to whistle with my fingers."Tom replied as he lowered his hand.

"Excellent. whistle if there's any trouble, you and jasmine will protect the group while we go clear out the gas station" he said while pointing at Tom.

"Do not come and help or try and approach. We will come back when we kill all of them, then we get what we need." he explained making sure everyone knew the plan. With no interruptions Jackson,Fred,mark and Lori were heading toward the circle K.

Jackson was leading the pack with Fred on his left, Lori on the right and mark behind him. "here's the plan, we walk into the middle of the pack and we kill them when they get close,simple." he explained without turning to anyone,continuing to walk towards the zombies that are already moving towards him.

Before anyone could think of a new plan Jackson was already killing a zombie with a stab to its head with his screwdriver. Next it was Fred stabbing a zombie to the left of Jackson, while simultaneously on Jackson right Lori killed one to. Jackson pushed forward killing two at a time dropping them on the first one he killed then kept walking.

Mark felt left out in the back, but when he seen Jackson push forward he was well aware of how important his role really was. since Jackson pushed forward he was fighting two or three at a time, just like with everyone else.

Jasmine and the rest of the group watched as the others walked into the crowd of zombie in a circle formation, Killing everything in there way. From afar all they could really see were bodies dropping and blood flying.

But Jackson's group were exhausted after killing all the zombies ,besides him of course, they were shaking and breathing heavily.

"It looks like everyone's out of energy, that was excellent teamwork everyone. please go back to the group and rest, but don't bring anyone yet I'm going to clear out the store then I'll wave you guys down." Jackson said as he walked toward the store window, hopping through it.

The rest walked slowly back to the group, jasmine seeing Jackson jump through the window with the rest returning she already guessed what happed.

"I'm guessing you guys couldn't keep up with Jackson." she claimed with a small smile. Making Mark bark back a reply, "that guy is a beast! to have so much stamina and willpower to push forward it's insane."He said as he sat down against a tree.

"He said he will wave us down when he cleared the store out." Lori said to jasmine as she walked by sitting next to Fred,who didn't say a word to anyone when he returned.

Jasmine didn't mind Fred lack of conversation he was usually quite anyways, the only people he talked to was Lori and Jackson.

But that was the first time Lori talked to jasmine, Lori ran track at school as well but jasmine was the star while Lori was mediocre at best so they never talked to one another.

While the group was chitchatting Jackson walked inside the store to see bodies eating so badly you could see most of the skeletons. But the site wasn't what Jackson was effected by it was the smell it was worse then anything he could imagine.

"Any dead bastards in here? Come on out I don't like hide and seek." Jackson announced into the building. Luckily for him 3 zombies came stumbling out."I'm glad you guys understand,I really didn't what to find you." He said with a smile as he quickly dispatched the zombies.

Then he walked to the back making sure the door was closed, it wasn't so he quickly closed and locked it.

As Jackson was leaving he heard a door click open, turning around he could see a woman 5,7 with black hair looking the age of 20, holding up a man way bigger then her so she struggled to keep him up as she spoke.

"Please help my father he needs your help, I'm I'm to weak to help him now." The woman said as she was crying barely able to hold the guy up.

Jackson looked closer at the guy noticing his pale skin and how his body was coved in sweat.

"He's infected isn't he?" Jackson asked as he crossed he's arms and started at the two.

The guy on her shoulder started to speak,

"I seen the way you toyed with the dead guys, your strong I can tell please help me. And please help my daughter." He asked as he leaned against a wall as he started coughing.

"And what will I gain from helping her? it's one thing to help put someone out of their misery that's easy. but you want me to take in your daughter that food and water that's not going to my group, also another person I need to babysit. I already have to manny people like that at the moment." Jackson asked still with his arm crossed with his usual cold demeanor.

"You are right about that. But I do have something to offer you,my wife is at home in our basement bunker with food,water and safety it's only a couple miles down the road. I'm sure she will let you in if you take my daughter there." he coughed out as he slid down the wall sitting on the floor.

Jackson thought this was reasonable enough.

"Alright you can rest easy I'll get your daughter home without a scratch." Jackson said as he walked to the window."I'll give you a minute to say your goodbyes." He said this while waving his group giving them the signal to approach.

After a minute or so the girl walked out the store to see Jackson's group, then Jackson walking past her going into the store.

Jackson walked over to the guy sitting against the wall." Sorry it had to be like this but at least it's all over now." Jackson said a he pulled his screwdriver out of his belt.

"I thought I would turn. Thank you, may I have the name of my savior? My name is toney" He asked as he chuckled, doing so made him cough even more making him spit blood.

"The names Jackson's Bruce" he answered with a forced smile."thank you Jackson Bruce. I'm ready." He said as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

With a quick stab with a screwdriver to the mans forehead he was dead. Jackson walked back to his group to see everyone staring at the new girl.

"Everyone we have a new plan, this young lady here just lost her father and in his last moments he asked me to deliver his daughter to her mother that's safe in a basement bunker." He explained to everyone making them nod their heads in response.

"Everyone grab all the water bottles you can, maybe even pour out some soda bottles and fill them with water we're going to need as much as possible." He ordered making everyone snap to work, packing every bottle they seen and dumping out soda and filling them with tap water.

With everyone's bag fulled with water bottles and fat snacks they headed out back into the forest and followed the road. As they got back on track Jackson decided to ask the new girl her name it was Mora. He really didn't care for her much so he went back and checked on clementine. Who was walking with jasmine and Jessica.

"Hay Clem how's it going? you getting hungry or thirsty yet?" He asked looking at the smiling clementine.

"It's going good! Jasmine and Jessica has been playing eye spy with me! I never played it before so it was a lot of fun." She answered with excitement not carrying about the massacre that took place moments ago.

"I'm glad they could keep you company, while I was taking care of business." He said as he walked to the front of the group and started to lead the way.

Not far behind was clementine and jasmine joining him at the front of the group grabbing a hand each. Then they began chitchatting while they pasted the time.

The walk was smooth sailing nothing to see but trees and bushes. After a hour of walking they found a road block with nobody protecting it, so they kept walking for another 20 minutes running into a small city.

Jackson stopped looking at the city it was nowhere near the size of the city they left but there was at least 100 buildings here." Is this the small town you were talking about Jessica?" He asked as he turned around looking for her. Then he seen her moving to the front. "Yes it is but they built quite a bit since the last time I was here" she answered as she stretched her aching legs.

Then Mora walked up to Jackson,"my parents house is close we can see it from here." She said while pointing down the street to a red 2 story brick building that looked like a bakery. it had 6 steps up with metal railings on both sides leading up to a glass double door and the place had zombies surrounded it.

"This is a fucking joke right?" Jasmine asked as she looked at Mona in disbelief.

"Let's go" Jackson said with a sigh as he walked toward the house." Wait what's are plan!" Mona cried out. "We're going to get you in that house you know a way in don't you?" He said without turning back as he continued walking.

"Yes I can actually,we have a pin lock on the front door so I guess if you give me enough time I can unlock it." She replied trying to stay calm.

"Everyone that's capable of killing circle the ones who can't, we're going to push to the door. When you kill a zombie that you think you can carry a distance, carry it in front of you like a shield."

"if they can't smell you and your not making noise they won't even know we're there" he said while smiling but no one but jasmine and clementine could see it.

Everyone thought Jackson gone mad, but looking back at everything he got them through they had no reason to question his judgment.

So they headed to Mora's house with Jackson the leader with jasmine on his left and on his right Fred, behind them was Lori, Mark, Jake, Tom, Zack, Zeke, Eric surrounding Clementine, Ema, felicity, carol,Jessica,Mora.

"Do you really think this plan is going to work?" Tom asked as he placed a hand on Jackson shoulder making him turn to him.

"I wouldn't suggest this if I wasn't a 100% sure. I've tested many different things on zombies back at the school, I have a 100% understanding of how zombies work" he replied as he turned back continuing to walk toward the horde.

Tom asked what was on everyone's mind hearing Jackson's response raised the team morale quite a bit. Making them more confident and ready for the challenge in front of them.

Approaching the horde Jackson was the first to kill a zombie. This zombie was small with a arm missing and long hair, so it could easily carry it so Jackson handed jasmine this zombie. She put her screwdriver up then reluctantly grabbed the zombie by the hair and being carrying it.

Fred grabbed his own zombie it was another female zombie he could carry with ease. Everyone else didn't have trouble picking a zombie to carry, after all there were plenty in the market to chose from.

It was a slow and steady crawl after everyone got there zombie. But fortunately Jackson's plan worked they slowly made their way through the horde.

After 10 minutes of slowly walking they made it to the door. Mora walked up and put the code it for the code not to work!

"WTF theirs no way they changed the code!" Mora whisper shouted, but before she could really panic the door opened. They dropped the zombies they were holding and rushed into the building.

When inside everyone sighed in relief. Looking around it looked like a old western style restaurant with animals heads on the walls and classic wood flooring making everything feel old.

"Welcome to my restaurant. since I let you in all I can ask is that you listen to what I have to say!"

She said this while grabbing her daughter and pointing a shotgun at the group.

Everyone put their hands up but Jackson was the one to speak."hay now we just saved your daughter there's no reason to be rash." He said in a calm voice.

"You don't tell me what to do boy! I should make you all leave right now! Tell me what this boy is talking about right now Mona!" The lady ordered answers out of her daughter.

Mona got away from her mother's death grip then spoke."yes he's right I was locked in a freezer with dad he was infected and turning. Jackson saved me and put dad out of his misery when I couldn't, so please put down your gun mom." She said In a sincere voice almost sounding apologetic.

"SO YOUR TELLING ME THIS BOY KILLED YOUR FATHER BECAUSE HE WAS A LITTLE ILL!" She shouted as she pointed and pulled the trigger at Jackson. but before she could release it her daughter moved in the way of the shot taking the bullet for Jackson.

Jackson immediately pulled out his pistol aiming it at the women's head. But what he didn't expect was the woman to throw down her weapon as she kneeled down to her daughter in disbelief on what she did.

The woman began sobbing as she watched her daughter die in front of her. She pulled her daughter closer to her to hear her dying words. "please don't hurt them mom I love y..." she began crying harder as she turned to Jackson. "20045 remember that code it goes to everything." She said as she picked up her shotgun putting it in her mouth and pulled the trigger before anyone could react.

The scene made some of them vomit, some couldn't look away but Jackson memorized the numbers like it was the most important thing in the world.

Jackson turned around to see clementine starting at the corpses. Jackson quickly kneeled down on one knee in front of her making eye contact.

"your probably going to see a lot of stuff like that in life,so let's stop looking at that why don't you and Jessica explore the restaurant?" He asked with a smile snapping clementine back into reality.

"S..Sure"she replied as she grabbed Jessica's hand walking to the other side of the room.

"That was super fucked wasn't it? There's nothing we can do now, I owe this woman my life so I will bury her with her mother tomorrow. Anyone what to help me move their body's to the back?" He asked as he looked at the group only 4 people walked forward Mark,Jake,Zack,Tom.

"Excellent thank for the help. Tom please find a mop and clean up the blood that would be a big help, the rest grab a body." He said as he grabbed the top part of the mom with Zack grabbing the legs moving her to the back. Mark and Jake followed right behind Jackson with Mona while Tom started looking through doors for a mop.

After finding a plastic roll Jackson rapped their bodies up tight,making sure no smell or blood would leak out making everyone uncomfortable.

After wrapping the body's up and putting them out of site he walked out to the group to see the blood already cleaned up." Hay guys how's everyone doing after what happened?" He asked as he looked at everyone.

(No one replied.)"Yah I didn't think so, this place should be safe, explore do whatever you want,find a spot to rest you deserve it." He said as he walked over to a open double door with stars going to the second level. Jasmine was quickly followed behind him but clementine was exploring with Jessica not noticing them leave.

Jackson noticing jasmine following slowed down for her to catch up,"what's up?" He said with a smile."I just wanted to be with you, do you want me to go back?" She asked hoping that wasn't the case.

Jackson waved his hand back and forth,

"of course not, I enjoy your company I was hoping I could find different clothes these are.... smelly." He said as he continued up the stairs.

This made jasmine sigh in relief,she didn't know why herself but she liked being close to Jackson that's why she wanted to follow him.

"Jackson you want to talk about what happened back there?" She asked in a worried tone making Jackson smile.

"Are you referring to how I almost died? Yah that was one of my closest encounters with death I've ever had. It was different this time I couldn't do anything to stop it, I had to be saved in the end."he said with a sigh as he unclenched his fist.

Jasmine didn't really know what to say so she grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry I didn't do anything" she wanted to say more but nothing came to mind.

"There's nothing you could have done, without doing the same thing Mora did and I wouldn't want you to do that" he said as he opened a door going into a room that looked like a goth kids room.

The room was black with skulls and metal band posters on the walls, with a king size bed made with a black blanket and black pillows.

Jackson walked over to the closet opening it to see a dresser. He smiled as he opened the drawer searching through to see nothing his size. The next drawer was better it had sweat pants,black and brown he took all 6 of them putting them in his backpack.

"What you find?" Jasmine asked as she walked over."sweat pants!" He replied as he opened the next drawer seeing a unopened packs of underwear." And UNDERWEAR!" He said as he opened the packs of underwear, pulling out a pair of sweat pants, putting the rest of the underwear in the bag.

Jasmine seeing Jackson pulling out a change of got the hint so she walked to the next room, that so happens to be Mona room or at least it was a girly room.

Jackson on the other hand went to the master bathroom to take a hot shower. He only took a 15 minute shower knowing everyone else wanted one to.

After getting fully dried off, he looked through Toney's clothes finding a tank tops and regular shirts he put in his bag putting on a tank top.

Done getting dressed he walked over to the room he seen jasmine go into and knocked on the door.

"Jasmine are you in there the master shower is free if you want a shower." He was about to walk away but then he heard jasmine "come in!" So he opened the door.

What he seen he wasn't expecting, it was jasmine wearing a beautiful red dress with her hair up. Looking around the room he could seen a empty bottle of booze on a dresser and he could smell the marijuana in the air making him sigh.

"Mona and I must be the same size because it fits like a glove" she said with a smile stumbling over to Jackson."it seems like your having fun?" He said as he looked at he dress she had on.

"There nothing fun anymore Jackson" she said what sounded like spite. Making Jackson raise a eyebrow."yah no more fun it's very sad huh? but look at you big strong man with sexy muscles I bet you think you can conquer the world don't you?" She said as she put a finger on Jackson chest as she tried standing straight up.

Jackson could clearly tell she was drunk but played along."yah maybe one day I will. Would you rule it with me?" He said as he leaned down trying to tease her, but what he didn't expect was her to kiss him! He didn't mind, but he didn't want her to be drunk when he kissed her so he pulled away.

But before he stood back up Jasmine wrapped her arms around Jackson making him pick her up.

"Am I not pretty enough Jackson?" She said with seriousness in her voice while making eye contact.

Jackson decided to hold her up with one arm around her waist." Actually I think your beautiful, I also think you make that dress look good." He said with a smile as he sat her down.

"Then why didn't you kiss me back" she asked with a pouty face. "Well I didn't want you to regret anything you've done because of the alcohol effected you." He said with a shrug.

"I won't regret anything if I do it with you Jackson!" She blurted out without thinking making her look away to compose herself. "Full of honesty all the sudden? If that's the case can you tell me why?" Jackson asked in his same serious tone she had.

Jasmine took deep breath's before turning back to Jackson with a smile,"I told you before Jackson I like being around you. And every time you walk away I can't stop thinking about you." She said trying her best not to run away from embarrassment.

Jackson felt touched, he never had someone look at him in that light so it felt good."I like your honesty, it's always something I liked about you jasmine." He said as he walked closer to jasmine.

With Jackson so close she pushed her body against his as she smiled as she looked up at him.

"You want to try leaning down here again? She asked with a puppy face as she made eye contact.

Jackson couldn't deny how cute she was, so he leaned down picking her up holding her up holding her by thighs as he kissing her on her soft lips.

Jasmine wrapped her arms around Jackson as she kissed him back. But there intimate moments was cut short after hearing clementine call there names.

Jackson didn't stop kissing her immediately he slowly put her on the ground then stopped. To jasmine it showed how Jackson really enjoyed there little moment instead of being scared of being caught.

Jackson turned to the door, "you look beautiful in that dress but I recommend changing before you come out." He said as he opened the door and walked out being greeted by clementine and Jessica.

"Is everything alright?" Jackson asked hoping everything was fine."I got bord so I wanted to find you, what are you doing up here" she asked with a smile like she new.

"I just got out the shower I think you and Jessica should take one to get nice and clean before I cook up some dinner what do you say?" He asked hoping she wasn't the type of kid who didn't like baths.

"Alright that sounds good I'm so hungry after all that walking. Come on Jessica!" She said as she dragged the smiling Jessica along.

Jackson walked down to the first floor seeing everyone grouped up talking to each other.

"anyone hungry?" He announced getting everyone to look his way.

(I hope you enjoy and sorry for the late chapter.

Thank you for reading!)