The last days

When Jackson gave everyone their quest they couldn't help but be excited about the training and nobody hesitated to get started.

Jackson watched over everyone as they trained pointing out what they were doing wrong and showed them the right way. After a hour or so Clementine walked over to Jackson standing a little taller then before. "Jasmine said you wanted to talk to me when I woke up?"

Jackson turned to her releasing her hight difference but didn't point it out. "How are you feeling" he asked putting a hand on her head making her smile. "I feel good. Way better then before."

Jackson removed his hand kneeling down to her "I'm glad your alright but are you sure you want to train today?" Clementine looked at him confused "of course I do! Oh and before I forget Jasmine told me to show you my stats" she answered in a excited manner with a states screen popping showing all her stats.


Level 11

Weight:80 pounds

[10 points available]

Titles: Deaths follower: Death seeker

[You've killed a beast 19 level above you, new skill granted [water element] you can conjure water this skill is a blessing and a curse, this skill requires the host energy or a sacrifice to be used]

Strength:12 (maximum speed and physical power)

Endurance:14 (Increases regeneration of stamina, health, and their totals)

Constitution:12 (Increases the hardness, density, and weight of your body)

Dexterity:12 (Increases ease of movement, flexibility, and reflexes)

Perception:13 (Increases comprehension, the five senses, and awareness)

Intelligence:13 (Increases memory and critical thinking)

Charisma:15 (Increases likeability and persuasion)

Jackson read her stats nodding his head "the water element is a good skill to have and all your stats look well rounded. if you put 6 points into Endurance you can double your heath and get a regeneration perk, but that's up to you to decide." He said with a shrug looking down to the smiling Clementine.

"Jasmine said you would be impressed by my skill" she said with her chest poked out with pride. "Can you make some now?" He asked getting her to smile even more, Clementine raised her hand forming a water ball in her hand.

Jackson lifted the ball if water confusing Clementine "can you still control it?" He asked as she made it he ball turn into a spear like shape. Jackson released his telekinesis letting the spear fall but surprisingly Clementine kept it flouting.

"So you can control water without touching it, interesting. Can you turn it into ice?" He asked not expecting much.

Clementine turned the spear into a flat panel before making a bunch of different shapes. after a minute or so she dropped the water onto the ground as she panted a little.

"Nope I can only change its shape" she said with a sigh catching her breath. Jackson took one of his Kunai cutting his hand open letting his blood flow to the ground before the cut healed after a minute.

"Can you try and control the water In the blood for me?" He asked making Clementine hold both her hands out toward the blood, Jackson watched the small pile of blood move a little as she lifted a couple drops into the air before it fell back to the floor.

Looking at Clementine, her face went blank for a second before snapping back into reality with a smile."are you ok what happened?" He asked making her smile even more.

"My skill went from water element to water affinity and it also takes less energy to manipulate." She said with a laugh making Jackson smile "Good job but don't over exert yourself, besides theirs more training to do."

Clementine gave him a thumbs up "let's do this" she said as they began walking toward a soldier. The soldiers name was Bobby, he was one of the shorter soldiers that agreed to train the children.

Bobby immediately saluted Jackson seeing him approach "Bobby this is Clementine, she has a water element skill I would like you to train with for 30 minutes before switching to basic training." Bobby smiled "not a problem sir"

Bobby switched his gaze down to Clementine "water element huh, sounds fun would you like to start now?" He asked her making her jump for joy "yes, right now let's go. see ya Jackson." She said grabbing Bobby by the arm dragging him away.

Jackson waved her away, sensing someone was trying to sneak up on him. Taking a deep breath he got the persons scent, it was Jasmine.

Jasmine bear hugged him from behind "guess who?" Jackson laughed a little "the only person brave enough to get that close" Jasmine giggled as she let him go letting him turn to her.

"Ready to start training?" He asked making her smile, "sure where to?" She asked looking around for a sparing area but all were being used.

Jackson noticed her looking so he got into a fighting stance "anywhere and everywhere is a area fit for fighting." Jasmine copied his stance, Jackson has multiple fighting styles he likes to abuse, in this case he was in a average boxers stance.

(Jackson being right handed, had his left foot forward while keeping his arms tight to his chest)

Jackson seeing her copy him made him smile "do you know what fighting stance your in right now?" He asked making her frown a little "no? dose it matter?" She asked impatiently waiting to fight making Jackson sighed.

"Your stance is one of the most important part of the fight you'll see" he said taking a step forward throwing out a punch letting her divert the blow to the side as she countered with a left. Jackson let her punch get as close as possible before barley avoiding it, making her stumble forward.

Jackson used telekinesis to catch her from falling forward. Jasmine turned to him getting back into a fighting stance, grounding her feet better this time.

"You should find the stance your most comfortable with, also your left handed that means your right foot should be out instead of your left." He explained as Jasmine smiled switching up her stance.

Her new stance was completely different now, she was leaned over with her legs in the in the runners position, but her arm's weren't on the ground they were tucked tightly to her chest looking up at Jackson.

Jackson smiled back as he approached her throwing a jab toward her nose, she ducked even lower getting under the attack countering with a straight jab to his stomach.

Jackson stepped forward letting her attack go past, as he bumped his chest into her making her stubble back. Jasmine stayed in her stance pushing forward, back into the fight.

She threw out a quick jabs to different vital organs, Jackson blocked everything throwing out jabs, here and there as Jasmine tried to move him back even if it was just a little. but no matter how manny jabs or how manny openings Jackson left she couldn't land a sold hit.

After a hour of this non stop punching and dodging Jasmine was sitting down catching her breath. "How are you able to do that" she said through breaths. "Years of practice and experience" he said looking at the other people sparing in the distance.

Jasmine checked her stats making her eyes light up "I got 2 points into Endurance and 1 point into perception!" she gloated standing up with her hand on her hips. Jackson turned to her "did the system say anything else?"

She frowned "it warned that I can only get 3 more points into Endurance without putting points into the attribute." She answered knowing that's what he wanted to hear. "Excellent, let's get your Endurance as far as possible for today." He said getting back into a fighting stance, making Jasmine sigh doing the same.

They spar'd for another hour, Jasmine getting better but still unable to move Jackson. Only after sparing with Jackson was she able to understand everyone's fear of him, he is a immovable object yet to find a unstoppable force.

"So?" Jackson asked snapping her out of her daze making her look at her stats. "Yep all done, the system said I can't get anymore points in this stat for the next 2 levels unless I spend points." She explained making Jackson nod "what's your endurance?" He added making her check once more.

"17 why?" She asked with a questionable gaze, "you have 7 points right? I recommend you put all of them into Endurance so you can train harder." He said with a shrug making Jasmine think about it for a moment.

Thinking back about the time Jackson mentioned his perk (body of mine), she smiled putting all the points she could into Endurance feeling a rush of pain causing her fall to a knee before it faded. Letting her read the system message.

[your Endurance is uncommon, Having Endurance of 20 before level 10 perk gained [Body bound] your Heath and stamina doubled decreasing your time to regenerate by 10 seconds]

Jasmine looked away from her stats to see Jackson holding her in his arms. "Are you alright?" He asked with a soft smile seeing she was fine. She didn't know how she got in this position but she smiled, "definitely"

Jackson helped her up, "I have other people to train and spar with, I have someone In mind you can train with now if you want." Jasmine looked at him with frown "I can't go all out on anyone here like you, who could even train me." She asked crossing her arms.

"Follow me" he said walking in the direction of yelling and grunting.

David was standing next to the arenas giving advice to a soldier in how to train his partner. Seeing David approaching he ran in his direction "what do you need?" He asked looking above Jackson at his title.

Jackson didn't mind David looking above him "I need you to train Jasmine for me. The way I train you preferably." He said with a smile making David take a step back. "Are you sure? your training was rather brutal, do you really want me to hit her that hard" he asked looking at the Jasmine with a worried expression.

Jasmine looked between them confused "how'd he train you?" She asked looking at David, he cleared his throat before answering but Jackson cut him off. "Incases a fighter having a unique fighting style the master would refine their student style by beating all their weaknesses out of them." He said with a bit of laughter.

Jasmine didn't fear anyone she's met so far not even Jackson, so when she released that David was going to be training her she scoffed not saying anything. David seen the gesture made him raise a eyebrow, "you don't think I can do it?" He asked making her smile.

"I never said that, you have to have some skill for Jackson to think of you as a disciple." She said with a shrug causing a smile to creep onto Jackson and David faces. "It looks like you have this under control. But I'll warn you David you go to far, I'll show you why you call me master." He said walking away leaving David with a chill down his spine and Jasmine with a smile.

Jackson walked over to Adam, who was in the middle of sparing with Trevor. The boy was trying his best, painting a little as he tried to land a hit on the unmoving Adam.

As Trevor fell to the ground out of breath, Adam noticed Jackson approaching. "Done training your monster of a woman?" Adam asked looking back to Trevor, confusing Jackson a little "what do you mean? She was amazing potential but at the moment she lacks experience and foot work."

Adam looked back at him with a amused smile "so being able to swing constantly for hours on in, is normal now?" Jackson nodded understanding why he thought so highly of her. "Fair point, how's training going." He asked looking at Trever who was getting back on his feet.

Adam shrugged "the boy has a long way to go but he's better then I thought, I guess." Trevor walked over to Jackson with a smile. "Hay Jackson, I completed your Perception training quest and I'm working hard on the basic training one." The boy said with pride and excitement.

Jackson chuckled "very good, make sure you follow his orders. Adam don't kill the boy." He said walking away checking on everyone else making sure everyone was being trained properly, eventually he made his way to Bobby and Clementine.

Bobby and Clementine had a crowd of 15 or so people spectating the battle that had been going on for a while now.

Jackson pushed through the crowd to see Clementine with a wild smile throwing out punches as fast as she could, while the every so elusive Bobby dodged every one of her attacks.

Suddenly Bobby stoped and began parrying all her attacks, lightly punching her where he seen openings in her style making her form tighter as she began to smile.

Clementine was clearly a amateur at throwing out her little arms, but you could clearly tell they had a weight behind them and at the speed she could throw out these punches were impressive especially for a untrained 8 year old.

Suddenly Bobby began to humble the little Clementine by pushing her back every time he landed a hit on her making her scowl. As Clementine began getting aggravated Bobby dodged one of her clumsy punches putting two fingers on her forehead.

"Anger clouds your mind making you sloppy, that's enough for today you should get some rest." He said removing his finger from her forehead, Clementine sighed putting out a hand. "Thank you for the training, it was fun" she said with a smile making Bobby smile shaking her head out hand.

Jackson walked into the ring making Clementine and Bobby realize they had a audience that began clapping after the show they just put on.

They both smiled not knowing what to do but Jackson walked over to Bobby putting a and on his shoulder as everyone stopped clapping. "I see training is going well" he assumed looking down at the smiling Clementine.

"It's more fun then I thought but I hoped it would last longer." She said with a sigh looking into the crowd waving at a couple people, Jackson turned to Bobby "so what do you think?" He asked making Bobby put his hand in his shaven chin.

"She has no idea how to use her water element in a fight, but I can tell she rather overpower her opponent with speed and power." He assessed looking up at Jackson's soft smile.

"Keep up the good work Bobby. Everyone else!" He announced making everyone turn to him "get back to training." He ordered making everyone split up, getting back to it.

Jackson being walked around again, giving tips and advice. after a hour or so he made it back to another crowd of people but this time they surrounded David's and Jasmine's fight.

Moving through the crowd once more to see Jasmine and David covered in blood and bruises, looking around at the spectators they had mixed emotions they were ether scared or invested into the fight.

Jackson seen Tom on the other side of the crowd cheering for Jasmine as she pushed David back.

Looking back to the fight he released how much David was holding back. Jasmine had blood around her mouth and her knuckles.

David on the other hand had some his clothes ripped off revealing bruises around his chest with a bloody nose and a busted lip.

A smile creeped across Jackson's face as he took a deep breath "David you may humble her now!" He announced in a calm tone getting David and Jasmine to turn to him. Jasmine looked at him confused making Jackson shrugged looking as innocent as he could.

But David smiled, it wasn't from joy or satisfaction. His smile looked as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders, exhaling he got into a boxers stance with a serious look in his eyes.

Jasmine got back into her stance looking as if she was about to run a race, David stood there leaning forward a little looking similar to the stance Jackson used against her making her think of how useless she was fighting against Jackson.

Jasmine looked at him realizing his stance was exactly the same as Jackson's but all should think was "he's not as good as Jackson right?"

She charged forward springing off her back foot about to contact a left straight to David's nose, but all the sudden David's fist reached her's first, hitting her in the nose making her stumble backwards.

David followed up the attack with a upper cut to the gut lifting her off the ground a little, as he shot a straight to her chest. she managed to block the attack but the power behind the attack sent her flying a few feet back, taking all the air from her lungs.

All the sudden she released the words Jackson said before he left "I warn you David you go to far, I'll show you why you call me master." She cursed as she looked up at David seeing a exact image of Jackson in his style making her laugh to herself.

The crowd was quiet only faint whispers in the crowd as Jasmine got back to her feet with a smile, her teeth stained red with blood. "You were holding back that much?" She asked not wanting a answer charging at David.

David got a good idea of her style so he stepped forward expecting her to throw a straight, suddenly Jasmine leg was above him. The weight behind her axe kick was more then David expected even blocking the attack still bought him down to one knee.

David immediately rolled to the side, looking up to see the smiling Jasmine already trying to kick him while he's down. Rolling again David got back onto his feet back into his stance.

Looking at the charging Jasmine her deranged smile showing her blood stained teeth. David could tell she was reacting to instant and blood lust.

David took a glance at Jackson to see his response but he just stood there with his arms crossed enjoying the show unfolding in front of him.

David met her charge with his and they exchanged blow after blow but neither of them could land a solid hit on another.

To Jasmine's surprise the more the fight went on the more she was getting pushed back. Not from fatigue but from David's finesse and speed able to catch even the smallest of openings.

Finally after another 30 minutes of Jasmine getting pushed back and bruised off over, Jackson stepped in stoping the fight. "It was a good fight but it's David's win." Walking over to Jasmine and David he used telekinesis to remove all the blood on their body's, getting a surprised look from everyone.

"You shouldn't take fights like that to heart, every fight even a battle for life and death has a lessen to learn." As he finished his sentence Jasmine wrapped her arms around him sighing. "What's the lesson then?" She asked muffled from not removing her face from his chest.

"That's not for me to say, I wasn't the one fighting" he answered with a smile making her smile a little. "Is dinner done yet?" She asked letting him go, everyone having the same question.

As if waiting for the signal Daphnia walked over letting Jackson know the food was done. "Everyone dinner is done." Jackson announced and nobody needed further introductions.

Everyone moved over to the stage getting inline where the elderly woman, Breckin, Anthony and Noah pasted out food to five people at a time.

Jackson seen everything was taken care of so he started walking away without anyone noticing, beside David who quickly followed behind.

"What do you need?"Jackson asked not looking back "Would you like to spar master?" He asked, Jackson just gestured him to follow. Not another word was said till they made it into a area.

"I already know why you want to spar, but know Im sick of holding back today. if we fight here you should fight as if your life is on the line." He suggestion turning around showing his emotionless face.

David got chills from the tone in Jackson's voice mixed with his gaze, that feeling of Jackson looking through him instead of at him.

But he still couldn't help but smile "of course master." He answered getting into a fighting stance the same one he used against Jasmine.

Jackson took a deep breath "let's begin" he said in a flat tone charging forward with a right hook. David had little time to prepare for the attack but he managed to pull up his left arm up to blocking hit.

The second before the attack landed, David grounded his feet taking the hit, before he could react another attack swept him off his feet.

David knowing Jackson so we'll, expected the punch coming toward his face, he blocked it with the same arm as before feeling his bones creak from the weight of his punch.

David spun in the air landing like a cat would on all four, "that's it. stop playing around my feline friend." Jackson mocked his landing, David smiled at the comment not moving from his landing position.

The sounds coming from their attacks was so normal to hear for them, they didn't even notice that every time Jackson landed a blow it would make a sound. That sound, sounded like someone shot a chalkboard eraser out of a cannon at a chalkboard.

Being inside a inclosed building the sound echoed loud enough for everyone to hear. A couple people recognized the sound, one of them being Jasmine she shot her head around before running in the direction with her food still in hand.

Clementine seeing her running in the direction of the sound decided to follow since there's nothing better to do, crowds of people moved toward the sound, they got closer the sound got louder and more frequent.

Jasmine was the first to see the fight in all its glory, it was something she's never seen before. It was David swinging with all his strength in a style she's never seen before.

David completely abandoned his previous style now looking like a hungry beast in a fight of life and death. His strikes were so fast, strong and precise he looked like a different person then she fought only moments ago.

David was now in a wider stance then before with his arms constantly being in motion, not having a resting pension like his arms were whips seeking out his opponent.

Jasmine couldn't look away from the fight, it was on a different level then what's she's seen making her grind her teeth. Not from her lacking experience but from the fact she couldn't tell how much David was holding back in their spar.

Jackson began humbling the poor David by connecting his fist with his, they looked like they were playing the most intense game of bloody knuckles.

The sound with their fist collided made some want to cover their ears but nobody did, it was hard for some people to even breath much less say anything.

Everyone watched quietly as two monsters attempted to kill each other. David began getting pushed back slightly as Jackson's attacks got faster and the sound that came form these strikes were louder almost deafening.

As Jackson's movements began to blur with David's as the fight picked up, hardly anyone could keep up with the fight they watched in disbelief.

Jasmine was so desperate to see the fight she took a step into the ring to get a better look but when she did, her body began trembling as she started to sweat.

"What's happening?" She said to herself as she fell backwards out of the ring letting her body relax as she panted.

Clementine walked up next to her, shaking a little holding out her hand "are you alright?" Jasmine looked up to Clementine who looked like she was in pain, so she grabbed her hand standing up grabbing the plate she dropped before taking a few steps away from the fight.

The continued as a blur only able to catch little bits a pieces of the fight, before suddenly David was flying out the arena landing in his back, in front of couple people almost crushing them as he painted heavily, covered in bruises and blood with his fingers bent the opposite direction.

Jackson walked over to David with his clothes ripped covered in blood and some bruises, putting David's fingers back into place making everyone wince. David didn't flinch from the pain he just kept painting as if trying to breathing was the only thing he could do.

Adam was one of the people David landed in front of and one of the only few able to see most of the fight. Adams body trembled in Jackson's presents as if he's body was warning him their was a predator close by.

Adam calmed himself as he watched Jackson walk away carrying David like a sack of potato's over his shoulder. The crowd stumbled over each other moving out the way for Jackson as he walked over to the stage, where the elderly woman stood waiting with a smile.

The elderly woman had a table on stage again even though Jackson asked them not to but he stopped caring. He sat David down on a chair removing the blood from both of them, as he sat down with daphne putting a plate of food with a cup of water in front of him and David.

They didn't hesitate or question them,as they began eating leaving everyone looking up at them silently. Suddenly someone shouted "your not going to explain yourself?"

Jackson practically choked on his food from chuckling but he continued without commenting. David took another bite and a swig from a drink, before standing walking over to the edge of the stage.

"Dose anyone knows what happens when you cage a lion?" He asked getting confused looks from every but Jackson, he couldn't help but smile a little.

"When a lion is caged it loses its survival instincts and it becomes reliant on humans. In this case I was the lion, caged for to long, to long." He said turning back sitting down eating once more.

Jackson finished his food by this time, standing on the edge of the stage getting everyone's attention before anyone could say anything. "After everyone's done eating, rest for 30 minutes or so then train for another hour, after that you can do whatever you want." He ordered in a cold tone before hopping off the stage walking away from the crowd.

Everyone was speechless so they got back into line getting their second serving, Jasmine on the other hand lost her appetite so she followed Jackson.

Jackson was walking to the front door making Jasmine run to catch up "where we going?" He turn to her with a smile "to get some fresh air."

Jasmine smiled putting her arm around his back getting close to him "sounds like fun." Jackson put his arm around her shoulder letting her get as close as she wants. "Better yet let's take walk."

Jasmine leaned against him with a sigh "what happened between you and David?" She asked with her heart rate evaluating a little, Jackson noticed so he shrugged.

"David has to hold back a lot of his power most of the time so fighting me he can go all out, and he's the only one able to can take a punch and not be terrified of me."

Jasmine sighed again as they approached the front door where two soldiers were playing a card game, these soldiers being Bobby and Dug. Seeing Jackson approached they got up and saluted with the cards still in their hand.

Jackson laugh at them a little "let us out and lock it behind us." They relaxed opening the door letting them out before locking it up tight behind them.

"What are we going to do out here?" Jasmine asked as they walked toward the gate. "Just walking the outside perimeter, maybe get you some experience." Answered waving his hand in front of them, opening the padlock and the gate at the same time.

Jasmine turned to him, surprised "what is your skill that's so cool." Jackson only smiled as they walked out the gate, closing and locking behind them making Jasmine look back.

Jasmine looked up at him "are you not going to tell me?" she asked with a little anger to her voice but she wore a pouty face. Jackson made them walk faster "I prefer to keep everyone guessing."

Jasmine was about to say something but Jackson put his lips so close to her ear she could feel his breath,"it's telekinesis".

Jasmine gasped removing her arm from around his back turning to him in disbelief "what!" She asked, practically shouting making Jackson laugh but only for a moment. "You heard me and remember I don't want anyone knowing."

She nodded with a satisfied smile, putting her arm back around his back as they walked around the corner of the fence.

After walking around the back and the other side of the Walmart they were walking the front side of the fence once more. "Why did you make David hold back against me?" Jasmine asked cold tone replacing the silence they've been walking In.

Jackson smiled "would you be upset if I said you were to weak?" He asked in a serious tone. Jasmine sighed "no. But I was upset when I seen him fight against you, I don't know why but it was aggravating seeing how powerful he was. You were."

Her response left them in silence, Jackson opened up the gate letting them walk through. "When I seen my masters true strength for the first time, I felt like he's never taken me seriously. like I wasn't worth using his full power against and when I confronted him about it, he told me that theirs times where you need to control yourself and times to show your power."

Jasmine looked at him and couldn't help but to burst out into laughter, getting a confused look from Jackson. "What I say?" He asked closing the gate behind them.

"It's nothing" she said wiping away tear. Jackson stoped making her stop "would you like to learn a technique that shows your opponent how dangerous you are?" Jackson asked getting a confused but exited look from Jasmine "show me"

"I will I will, but I'm going to warn you this skill is dangerous you can't use it around people without having strict training." He warned getting a impatient look from Jasmine. "What is it"

"It's called bloodlust, I don't use it often because mines stronger then most. but if you don't direct it towards anyone it's a lot weaker." Jasmine showed genuine curiosity letting Jackson continue. "You need to take a couple steps back and try and keep your breathing steady as possible."

Jasmine nodded taking a couple steps back taking deep breaths in and out. Jackson looked into the sky watching the clouds flout by as the sky was slowly turning into night, with a slight smile on his face he looked back down at Jasmine, she was on her knee sweating.

The second Jackson looked away from her, she felt the presence of a predator with its jaws around her throat, her body screamed at her to run but her body wouldn't move. when he looked back everything felt out of place, like everything was slightly tilted before going back to normal.

Jasmine breathed in slowly to calm herself, "my blood lust is stronger then most so you probably won't feel that intensity often." Jackson said holding out a hand, that she grabbed getting up.

"How's it work?" She asked stuttering a little without meaning to. "It's not to difficult to learn, but when you learn how to use it it's like breathing. it can used without you knowing what's happening hurting and maybe killing people around you."

Jasmine nodded understanding letting him continue. "If you want to use blood lust, you have to turn into a primal beast ready to consume all the prey around you." Jasmine looked at him confused making him chuckle a little.

"That's all you have to do, imagine yourself as a lion in a field of Giselle's. That's low I learned and if you can't the same way I can't help." He said with a shrug. Getting a soft smile from jasmine as she sat down, crosslegged on the payment.

Not surprisingly nothing happened, Jackson walked over to her putting a hand on her head. "You won't be able to use it so easily, it's going to take a lot of time and practice to learn." Jasmine sighed standing up with a nod. "Roger that"

Jackson put his arm around her shoulder walking toward the front door. "We'll practice every day for a hour to get you used to the feeling of someone's bloodlust." He said knocking on the door being let in by the same soldiers Bobby and dug.

They saluted Jackson as he walked by closing and locked the door behind him. "Bobby" the soldier stiffened up hearing his name. "Did anyone come looking for me?" Bobby relaxed hearing the question, "yes sir, David did but he wouldn't tell me why he was looking for you."

Jackson kept walking with his arm around Jasmine letting the soldiers sigh in relief. "I know he's done nothing but help, but that guy scars the shit out of me." Bobby muttered loud enough for dug to hear.

Dug laughed "your telling me he doesn't even look in my direction and that guy creeps me out."

Jackson was to far away to hear their conversation, "I'm going to go see Tom you wanna join?"Jasmine asked with a smile. Jackson already knew what she meant so he shook his head "I need to talk with David I'll meet you at the tent"

"See ya" she said blowing him a kiss before running away. Jackson continued walking toward David's tent to hear a conversation going on.

"Your not serious are you?" A voice asked, Jackson wasn't very familiar with everyone's voice, so he didn't know who it was. "He's dead serious why do you think the soldiers are training the civilians?" David asked back with a sharp tone to his voice.

Jackson entered the tent seeing who David was talking to, it was Ralph one of the biggest guys so Jackson recognize him immediately. Ralph flinched seeing Jackson entered the tent but David on the other hand looked relieved to see Jackson.

"What are we talking about?" Jackson asked grabbing a stool that was sitting in the counter, putting it in front of the two.

"This wank is questioning why we're training these weaklings." David joked pointing at Ralph making him get a little defensive but before he could say anything Jackson cut him off.

"He's just joking, and the reason why Is because we're going to be traveling far distances, every soldier knows your only as strong as the weakest link." He explained getting a relaxed sigh from Ralph.

"Do you mind me asking, why can't we take the city?" Ralph asked hoping he wouldn't offend Jackson. "This city is dead, theirs nothing left or it's eaten down to nothing. The mutants have been feeding on the ghouls to evolve, I don't believe we could handle multiple at a time, if they group up that is."

Ralphs mouth opened but said nothing staying quiet for a moment before nodded. "I see. your thinking a lot further ahead then I thought, thank you for your time." Ralph said before leaving the tent.

David turned to him with a smile "you know everyone was surprised when you left without saying anything, they probably thought you left them to die." He said in a overdramatic tone making Jackson smile a little.

"Yah I bet, but let's talk about something more helpful." Jackson said getting David to get serious. "what do you want to know?"

"Do you know what's outside the city?" Jackson asked getting David to lean back in his chair with his hand on his chin. "Theirs a couple small towns a about 20 miles out, but besides that nothing but roads and forests."

David was staring at Jackson unable to read his exasperation. "It looks like we're going to need a lot of gas. Do you know how manny gas cans we have?" Jackson asked getting a chuckle from David. "We have 6 extra large ones 5 large ones and 8 little ones."

Jackson was surprised he knew the number off the top of his head but continued. "Any of them full?" David's' smile flipped turning into a frown. "Only one extra large for the generator"

Jackson sighed "it looks like we have a destination in mind before we leave the city at least." David nodded having a general idea what Jackson had in mind.

"But before any of that we have to finish training everyone." David turned to him with a questioning gaze. "What do you have in mind for that?"

Jackson stood up stretching his arms back and forth "we're going to make the training more intense as the days go on. On the last day we should have some competent people." David nodded with a smile watching Jackson put the stool back in the corner leaving the tent.

David followed behind him "do you think they can handle it?" Jackson didn't look back to answer "I think the system will pull through for them." He answered getting another nod from David. "Fair enough, I'll go around and let all the soldiers know."

"No need we're going to be working on foot work and stance strength tomorrow." David immediately stoped sighing "I guess I'll pay Tom a visit" he mumbled to himself walking away.

Jackson walked straight back to his ten, entering the tent everything looked the same as when he left. so he walked to the back wall sitting down leaning it.

"This is going to be a long week" he said to himself as he sensed someone approach his tent, he thought for a moment it was Jasmine but this person had the oder of a man.

The person entered the tent without announcing themselves, it was a man named Gary he was on the shorter side of 5'7 and he entered the tent pointing a Glock at Jackson's head. "Don't you fucking move a muscle" he demanded in the most demanding tone he could muster.

"Your fear me, Your body reeks of pray" Jackson said in a ominous tone causing Gary's hand to shake a little. "I said shut the fuck up" he barked trying to stay In control.

"Actually you said don't move" he corrected standing up pushing off his knee making Gary stiffen up his shooting arm threatening to shoot.

"What are you waiting for?" Jackson asked in a cool tone, now standing straight up looking down on Gary.

Gary pulled the trigger, not because of what Jackson said or because he stood up. It was his gaze, it was the gaze of a beast looking at his next meal. Fear pulled the trigger for Gary but unfortunately the bullet was diverted with telekinesis into some blankets.

Gary's knees started to wobble, but that didn't matter Jackson looses all emotions for anyone trying to take his life. The man in front of him was nothing but meat and now it was time for it to get minced.

Jackson was on him in a second breaking both his arms so fast all Gary could do was scream and fall to his knees.

until Jackson released his blood lust directly toward him, making him stop breathing now unable to scream, in the silence Jackson muttered, "nothing but a ant" he crushed his windpipe before releasing his blood lust.

With his windpipes crunched he could barely breath much less say anything. Jackson dragged him out the tent seeing everyone lined up in the distance

After a gunshot was heard everyone immediately started running toward it before screaming was heard, suddenly their knees almost bucked out from beneath them from Jackson's immense blood lust.

When the bloodlust was released it let them breath again, it was silent as a graveyard until Jackson walked out the tent holding a man by his hair. the man's arms looked like a crumpled up bendy straws.

Everyone just stared not knowing what to do until Jackson spoke in a deep demanding tone. "Anyone who threatens my life or try and take what's mine will turn into nothing but meat." As he said this he crumpled the man up into a ball, turning him into a human ball of meat.

The scene made most people look away, but what they couldn't escape was the sound of all the Gary's bones crushing and breaking at the same time.

"Get rid of this garbage, I'm going to sleep." He ordered to nobody in particular before going back into his tent leaving the crowd terrified.

Most of the people there were to scared to look back at the corpse, hearing foot steps approaching the body they couldn't help but look to see who it was.

David walked toward the human ball putting him into a black trash bag before tying it tightly, throwing the bag over his shoulder walking away as if it was another day.

Nobody could speak so they just walked away thinking about who was more terrifying, Jackson a man who can break limbs without trying or David a man who could clean up the mess without batting a eye.

Everyone now feared Jackson even more then before, before Jackson was like a thug that you wouldn't want to fuck with. Now they feared him like a king able to end their blood line with the snap of his fingers.

Nobody knew what to think but the one person who didn't care was Jasmine, you could tell by the way she walked in the tent snuggling up to Jackson falling a sleep shortly after.

Jackson couldn't help but to like Jasmine even more for her fearlessness. When a couple soldiers told Jasmine what happened she was unfazed getting a bewildered look from them, before she skipped toward his tent.

Jasmine was the talk of the group "can you believe she can sleep with a monster so casually?" A female soldier named Sara asked sounding a little jealous.

"I don't know how she can do it, when that guy looks in my direction I start to sweat." A another female soldier named Judy answered back looking as if a shiver ran down her spine.

"Shut your traps, he's nothing but a murderer." A older female soldier named Karen ordered in a demanding tone shutting the girls up.

"A murderer? What it sounded like was Gary shot first and payed the price." A another female soldier named Amber added with her hand cupped around her chin.

Karen had a disgusted look it her face "do you think that was his first time killing someone?" She asked in a impatient tone getting the girls to go quiet.

"Why don't you go fuck him already Karen?" Rick asked in a cocky tone walking up to the group from around a tent, Karen to shoot her head in his direction with a scowl. "What did you"

But she was cut off by David "both of you shut up and get back to your tents I won't have anymore problems tonight." He ordered in a spine chilling tone getting the soldiers to stiffen up saluting before moving toward their tents.

The next day Jackson was a tyrant that didn't raise his voice, He said every word calmly but the words he spoke was almost emotionally crippling.

Nobody could believe Jackson's flip in attitude and the only person to step up to say anything was Karen.

The second Karen decided to run her mouth Jackson released a controlled amount of bloodlust making her fall to her knees looking up at him.

He reached down grabbing her by her neck with enough force to lift her, but not enough where she couldn't breath. "If you don't like the way I do thinks your welcome to leave, I'll even give you a couple days of supplies to get by. But know if you leave, your no longer apart of this."

"W.what even is this? I feel like I'm your pawn, Ever since you walked into our camp why?" She barked back in a strained tone.

Jackson chuckled "well that's because everyone is a pawn, i'm the king trying to turn you mere pawns into knights and bishops for you to get across the chessboard of life and death. Now get back to training." With this short speech he tossed her to the ground, releasing his bloodlust and began walking around giving stern advice.

Not everyone was treated like Karen, however he was strict but their were people he was lest strict to like his old group and anyone who followed directions.

The days past with everyone looking at Jackson as the king of battle and they were his pawns that needed to evolve into knights and bishops.

Even though the training was brutal bringing mostly everyone on the brink of exhaustion after every session, the system healed them quickly and with dinner, their body's were ready for the next day of training.

The days of training only got harder making the days feel longer causing most people to get on edge, but with nothing but training to vent their anger on it made everyone more fluent in their training sessions.

When the last day of training was complete the look they gave Jackson was different, before they looked at him with fear and envy. now it was respect and a little spite from how difficult his training was and the way he treated them.

Jackson was standing on the stage with everyone looking at him. "Congratulations on surviving the training, tonight I need everyone to pack everything they need to survive. I don't know how long we will have a vehicle so try and pack light, if you cant help it the worse that can happen is you would have to throw away a couple things."

As everyone was about to get up Jackson continued "but before that we feast!" He announced as Breckin and a couple of others walked out holding giant plates of food like a nobles party, just without the fancy cloths.

Nobody hesitated to get in line with a smile, trying to fit all their food onto their small plates. Jackson looked at everyone's level above their head, seeing everyone got to level 5 with his daily quest that he made more difficult so everyone could get enough experience.

Jackson could only think of how much time they had left in the Walmart. Today was their last night sleeping here and he had to admit that he couldn't have found a better spot to train his warriors.

Jasmine snapped him back into reality by wrapping her arm around his back. "It was a long week huh?" She asked looking up at him. "It could have been worse." He said with a shrug as Breckin approached him with a plate for him and Jasmine.

Jackson and Jasmine had their own seats on stage so they only had to take a couple steps back to sit.

Everyone got used to looking up at them like king and queen and in the past week everyone witnessed why she was the queen.

On the 5th day of training Jasmine challenged David to a all out fight, where they both were at a stalemate because of how David was to scared to go all out. But regardless Jasmine looked like a demon fighting for its life with a smile, earning the fear and respect of everyone.

Since it was the last day Jackson let everyone cut lose a little, handing out wine and stronger liquor to make everyone happy.

In the middle of the party, Jasmine walked over to Jackson with uncoordinated steps and with the smell stuck to her he could tell she's been drinking. "You know Im not a drinker." She stated pressing her face against his chest causing him to smile a little.

"Oh yah how'd this happen then?" He teased making her look up at him with her rosy cheeks and a frown. "That's nun of your business, why haven't you drank anything?" She asked pushing away from his chest with a glare. "Because I don't like liquor." He added nonchalantly getting a shocked look from her.

"Fine let's go then." She said dragging him away into a smokey tent that had Tom, Felicity, Rick and Stella. Tom gave him a two finger salute while Rick and felicity gave a short wave. Stella on the other hand jumped to her feet in a salute, getting a laugh from the small group.

Jackson couldn't find a way out of smoking a little so he sat down on the floor cross legged."How was training Rick?" Rick scratched the back of his head chuckling a little, "hard? Intense? when everything was done however it was satisfying." He finished with a shrug as he puffed on a brown paper before passing it to Stella.

Stella puffed on the blunt "I didn't know you smoked captan? Commander,Sir?" she said before passing it to him making everyone chuckle at her confusion.

Jackson inhaled the smooth smoke from the blunt before exhaling slowly. "I don't and you can call me Jackson." He answered passing the blunt to Jasmine who was swaying back and forth.

Jasmine grabbed the blunt falling into Jackson's lap as she puffed on it with a smile. "Is she ok?" Rick asked making Jasmine glare at him causing him to flinch. "She looks fine to me, it's the last day anyone can relax so I'll let everyone have their fun."

Jasmine smiled passing the blunt to Tom who puffed on the blunt like someone was about to steal it from him. Exhaling the cloud of smoke as he passed the blunt he asked, "what's the plan when we leave here?"

"We don't really have a plan, we have to find a place where everyone can level up and have a safe place to sleep. Or something or someone will come and take what they want." The mood got grim for a moment before Jasmine's soft snoring could be heard breaking the silence making them to smile a little.

"Unfortunate" Tom added with a sigh, "your telling me you didn't have to train." Rick added getting a smile from Tom.

"The training you guys went through was nothing compared to my masters training. You guys would have died on the 3rd day, tops." Jackson assured with a smile getting everyone in the tent to look at him in disbelief.

"Sorry that's a story for a different day I'm going to take Jasmine to bed." He got up with Jasmine in his arms as everyone waved as he left.

The group inside the tent was quiet for a second before Stella started coughing from hitting the blunt to hard. "He's a rough one huh?" Tom said with a sigh that looked like it literally took weight from his shoulders.

Rick turned to him "dose it not worry you Jasmine so close to him?" He asked with a emotionless expression. "Do you think I need to worry about her?" He asked cracking a smile at Rick who shook his head. "She's probably the safest one here." He added with a smile.

"She most definitely is, she's even a monster at fighting to I wouldn't worry about her." Stella added getting everyone to nod.

Jackson made it back to his tent seeing Clementine already asleep on the military bed. He walked to the back wall leaning against it, before sliding down the cold brick wall letting Jasmine sleep on his lap.

"I can only hope I find a worthy opponent" he said to himself as he fell asleep.

(I know it took me long enough to release another chapter I'm sorry for the long wait. I plan on making long chapters like this for now on, I hope you enjoyed)